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Dedicated Feline Enthusiast
Community Member
1 posts
19 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Dedicated Feline Enthusiast • upvoted 29 items 10 months ago
MissO56 reply
on both iphones and qndroid phones, if you take a screenshot, and then what to draw on it like circle something, or arrow, or write something, go ahead and make the circle BUT don't lift your finger off the screen for a second and it will turn into a more aestheticly pleasing circle (or character or whatever). works with letters, arrows, squares, circles, numbers...MissO56 reply
on both iphones and qndroid phones, if you take a screenshot, and then what to draw on it like circle something, or arrow, or write something, go ahead and make the circle BUT don't lift your finger off the screen for a second and it will turn into a more aestheticly pleasing circle (or character or whatever). works with letters, arrows, squares, circles, numbers...This Piece Took 350 Hours And Tells The Story Of Me Leaving Religion, Becoming An Addict, Attempting Suicide, Living In A Shelter, And Finally Finding Myself. All Through Symbolism
Jaguar Sculpture I Made! This Was Carved In Wood And Then Decorated With Thousands Of Crystal Beads, This Art Form Is Native To My Country, Called Huichol Art
How It Feels To Be The Child Of A Hoarder. I Drew This With A Pen I Found On The Ground And A Pencil, I'm Very New So I Know It Isn't Amazing But I Had Fun Making It
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Dedicated Feline Enthusiast • submitted a new post 3 years ago
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Dedicated Feline Enthusiast • commented on a post 2 years ago
Dedicated Feline Enthusiast • commented on 4 posts 4 years ago
Dedicated Feline Enthusiast • commented on a post 6 years ago
Dedicated Feline Enthusiast • upvoted 20 items 10 months ago
MissO56 reply
on both iphones and qndroid phones, if you take a screenshot, and then what to draw on it like circle something, or arrow, or write something, go ahead and make the circle BUT don't lift your finger off the screen for a second and it will turn into a more aestheticly pleasing circle (or character or whatever). works with letters, arrows, squares, circles, numbers...How It Feels To Be The Child Of A Hoarder. I Drew This With A Pen I Found On The Ground And A Pencil, I'm Very New So I Know It Isn't Amazing But I Had Fun Making It
This Piece Took 350 Hours And Tells The Story Of Me Leaving Religion, Becoming An Addict, Attempting Suicide, Living In A Shelter, And Finally Finding Myself. All Through Symbolism
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