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Roni Ingram
Community Member
1 posts
78 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Roni Ingram • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Roni Ingram • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago
Life revolves around grocery shopping, preparing food, washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming and tidying up. It does not stop, don't let it pile up for the weekends or else you waste your weekends stuck indoors. Alcohol is not your friend, it does not have the answers you are looking for, and usually gets you in even more trouble. Drink with friends to celebrate, don't drink alone in silence.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
You need to be mentally prepared for the "benchmarks" in your life to not happen or for them to not happen on the right schedule. The big events in your life up to now have been driven and put into place largely by governments and parents and teachers. This is by design - to slowly teach you the relationship between efforts and results. The accomplishments you have laid out as an adult in front of you are largely up to you, and your place in society has a lot more to do with luck than you'd probably like to think. As a teenager you tend to think "I will get married at 28, have a kid at 30 and 33, but only after I've graduated from the elite engineering program of my choice." You may not achieve any of those things, and the obsession with delivering them on schedule will cause you deep frustration or even grief. You may not find a spouse, or have a child, or own a house, or even remain relatively healthy. Learn to give yourself a break now before you spend years of your life grieving the future you believe you screwed yourself out of.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
Life revolves around grocery shopping, preparing food, washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming and tidying up. It does not stop, don't let it pile up for the weekends or else you waste your weekends stuck indoors. Alcohol is not your friend, it does not have the answers you are looking for, and usually gets you in even more trouble. Drink with friends to celebrate, don't drink alone in silence.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
You need to be mentally prepared for the "benchmarks" in your life to not happen or for them to not happen on the right schedule. The big events in your life up to now have been driven and put into place largely by governments and parents and teachers. This is by design - to slowly teach you the relationship between efforts and results. The accomplishments you have laid out as an adult in front of you are largely up to you, and your place in society has a lot more to do with luck than you'd probably like to think. As a teenager you tend to think "I will get married at 28, have a kid at 30 and 33, but only after I've graduated from the elite engineering program of my choice." You may not achieve any of those things, and the obsession with delivering them on schedule will cause you deep frustration or even grief. You may not find a spouse, or have a child, or own a house, or even remain relatively healthy. Learn to give yourself a break now before you spend years of your life grieving the future you believe you screwed yourself out of.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens, there’s no one else to deal with it. Plugged toilet? You gotta clear it. Car outta gas? You gotta fill it. Run out of clean undies? You gotta do laundry. From small things to massive things, there’s no one to make it go away but you.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
You come home from work and you're tired and if you don't feel like making dinner, then you're not eating dinner. Celebrities, Entertainment
30 Of The Most Spot-On Reactions Of People Online To The Recent "Friends" Reunion
Entertainment, Funny
People In This Online Group Pointed Out 35 Things Shown In Movies That Are Weird In Real Life
Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Whenever a simple miscommunication happens, no ever stops and clarifies with the other person. Like if one 10 sec conversation can derail an entire plot thread im not interested.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
When women run around in heels with perfect hair and makeup, and the dirt and sweat makes their hair and makeup look even better. Looking at you, Jurassic World.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Preparing a huge five-star breakfast (pancakes, waffles, fruit, biscuits, oatmeal, omelette, etc.) that no one eats; I don't even understand why that's a thing in movies and TV shows.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
putting baby in a playpen when your friend visits and said baby doesn’t scream.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Girl vomiting = pregnant Someone hiccoughs = drunk Someone coughing = seriously illHappens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
One thing that drives me berserk in movies is when someone is driving and talking to their passenger. They refuse to keep their eyes on the road and insist on making prolonged eye contact with the person next to them. In the movies this often means a jump-scare car crash is about to happen. I'd like to say that's unrealistic but my mom used to drive that way all the time. I hated going anywhere with her.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Young singles living in million dollar condos that overlook the city.Show All 22 Upvotes
Roni Ingram • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
Show All 8 Comments
Roni Ingram • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Roni Ingram • commented on a post 4 years ago
Roni Ingram • upvoted 4 items 4 years ago
Show All 4 Upvotes
Roni Ingram • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Roni Ingram • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Roni Ingram • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Roni Ingram • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Roni Ingram • submitted a list addition 7 years ago
Roni Ingram • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
Roni Ingram • commented on 3 posts 4 years ago
Roni Ingram • commented on a post 5 years ago
Roni Ingram • commented on 7 posts 7 years ago
Roni Ingram • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
You need to be mentally prepared for the "benchmarks" in your life to not happen or for them to not happen on the right schedule. The big events in your life up to now have been driven and put into place largely by governments and parents and teachers. This is by design - to slowly teach you the relationship between efforts and results. The accomplishments you have laid out as an adult in front of you are largely up to you, and your place in society has a lot more to do with luck than you'd probably like to think. As a teenager you tend to think "I will get married at 28, have a kid at 30 and 33, but only after I've graduated from the elite engineering program of my choice." You may not achieve any of those things, and the obsession with delivering them on schedule will cause you deep frustration or even grief. You may not find a spouse, or have a child, or own a house, or even remain relatively healthy. Learn to give yourself a break now before you spend years of your life grieving the future you believe you screwed yourself out of.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
Life revolves around grocery shopping, preparing food, washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming and tidying up. It does not stop, don't let it pile up for the weekends or else you waste your weekends stuck indoors. Alcohol is not your friend, it does not have the answers you are looking for, and usually gets you in even more trouble. Drink with friends to celebrate, don't drink alone in silence.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
You come home from work and you're tired and if you don't feel like making dinner, then you're not eating dinner.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens, there’s no one else to deal with it. Plugged toilet? You gotta clear it. Car outta gas? You gotta fill it. Run out of clean undies? You gotta do laundry. From small things to massive things, there’s no one to make it go away but you. Celebrities, Entertainment
30 Of The Most Spot-On Reactions Of People Online To The Recent "Friends" Reunion
Entertainment, Funny
People In This Online Group Pointed Out 35 Things Shown In Movies That Are Weird In Real Life
Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
putting baby in a playpen when your friend visits and said baby doesn’t scream.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
One thing that drives me berserk in movies is when someone is driving and talking to their passenger. They refuse to keep their eyes on the road and insist on making prolonged eye contact with the person next to them. In the movies this often means a jump-scare car crash is about to happen. I'd like to say that's unrealistic but my mom used to drive that way all the time. I hated going anywhere with her.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Girl vomiting = pregnant Someone hiccoughs = drunk Someone coughing = seriously illHappens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Whenever a simple miscommunication happens, no ever stops and clarifies with the other person. Like if one 10 sec conversation can derail an entire plot thread im not interested.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Preparing a huge five-star breakfast (pancakes, waffles, fruit, biscuits, oatmeal, omelette, etc.) that no one eats; I don't even understand why that's a thing in movies and TV shows.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Young singles living in million dollar condos that overlook the city.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
When women run around in heels with perfect hair and makeup, and the dirt and sweat makes their hair and makeup look even better. Looking at you, Jurassic World.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Roni Ingram • 28 followers