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Occasionally I see or experience funny (to me) things. Enjoy and share!
LaDoula • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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LaDoula • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your "Black Sheep" Status?
On my dad's side, I've been excluded to 2 of my half brother's weddings, my dad's retirement celebration, holiday family gatherings (all of them) and everyone just kind of ignores me, and quickly wants to brush me off as soon as I try to make conversation with them. There's a whole thing between my mom and my dad and his family, and issues with my step-mom. Apparently I'm undesired due to other reasons, like not being in a successful career. But that's just be speculating. Either way, I'm not considered part of the family and I'm not the only one who's been alienated.Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your "Black Sheep" Status?
On my dad's side, I've been excluded to 2 of my half brother's weddings, my dad's retirement celebration, holiday family gatherings (all of them) and everyone just kind of ignores me, and quickly wants to brush me off as soon as I try to make conversation with them. There's a whole thing between my mom and my dad and his family, and issues with my step-mom. Apparently I'm undesired due to other reasons, like not being in a successful career. But that's just be speculating. Either way, I'm not considered part of the family and I'm not the only one who's been alienated.Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your "Black Sheep" Status?
My mom doesn't wear makeup (not even nail polish, mascara, or concealer). She also doesn't like any music except hymns (I love classical and Kpop), and my dad is a perfectionist go-getter. Neither of them think mental health issues are a actually thing and they are both abusive. My brothers are perfect children in their eyes who rarely do anything wrong. They think I'm going to become a s**t/whore (insert other synonyms) the moment I leave their home.Hey Pandas, What Are The Biggest Deal-Breakers For You?
Religion. Fine for you. Don't try to sell or convert me. I'm an adult, educated, older. A lot of people use it to separate, to misinform, excuse or convert. No thanks.Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your 'Black Sheep' Status?
Oh, haha, I have a good one for this. My family can trance back to the Campbell Clan (history lesson) The Campbells are the black sheep clan of the Scottish Highlands. The Campbells are best known for the massacre at Glencoe at the ancestral lands of Clan MacDonald. In the early hours of February 13, 1692, 36 MacDonalds were slaughtered -- including women and young children -- after they had welcomed the Campbells into their homes. The Campbell contingent arrived there to convince the stubborn MacDonalds to pledge allegiance to the new Protestant Scottish king, William of Orange, as all other clans had done so they wouldn’t continue to be harassed or killed. Basically they killed off the MacGregors, the MacEwans, the MacNabs and many other unfortunate clans. And this is why McDonald's at Glencoe has a sign that says "no Campbells allowed"Show All 7 Upvotes
LaDoula • submitted a new post 2 years ago
LaDoula • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
LaDoula • submitted a new post 2 years ago
LaDoula • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
LaDoula • upvoted 7 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Are The Biggest Deal-Breakers For You?
Religion. Fine for you. Don't try to sell or convert me. I'm an adult, educated, older. A lot of people use it to separate, to misinform, excuse or convert. No thanks.Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your "Black Sheep" Status?
On my dad's side, I've been excluded to 2 of my half brother's weddings, my dad's retirement celebration, holiday family gatherings (all of them) and everyone just kind of ignores me, and quickly wants to brush me off as soon as I try to make conversation with them. There's a whole thing between my mom and my dad and his family, and issues with my step-mom. Apparently I'm undesired due to other reasons, like not being in a successful career. But that's just be speculating. Either way, I'm not considered part of the family and I'm not the only one who's been alienated.Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your "Black Sheep" Status?
My mom doesn't wear makeup (not even nail polish, mascara, or concealer). She also doesn't like any music except hymns (I love classical and Kpop), and my dad is a perfectionist go-getter. Neither of them think mental health issues are a actually thing and they are both abusive. My brothers are perfect children in their eyes who rarely do anything wrong. They think I'm going to become a s**t/whore (insert other synonyms) the moment I leave their home.Hey Pandas, What Has Your Family Done To Promote Your 'Black Sheep' Status?
Oh, haha, I have a good one for this. My family can trance back to the Campbell Clan (history lesson) The Campbells are the black sheep clan of the Scottish Highlands. The Campbells are best known for the massacre at Glencoe at the ancestral lands of Clan MacDonald. In the early hours of February 13, 1692, 36 MacDonalds were slaughtered -- including women and young children -- after they had welcomed the Campbells into their homes. The Campbell contingent arrived there to convince the stubborn MacDonalds to pledge allegiance to the new Protestant Scottish king, William of Orange, as all other clans had done so they wouldn’t continue to be harassed or killed. Basically they killed off the MacGregors, the MacEwans, the MacNabs and many other unfortunate clans. And this is why McDonald's at Glencoe has a sign that says "no Campbells allowed"This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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