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2 posts
29 points
Cat Mom 3x. I love drinking coffee then going back to sleep.
April • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
April • upvoted an item 2 years ago
April • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
April • upvoted 33 items 3 years ago
Funny, Photography
"Go To A Theme Park, They Said. It'll Be Fun, They Said" - 50 Of The Funniest Rollercoaster Photos (New Pics)
Cats can understand our words, but do not care. They are waiting for a moment to speak, but since we are so far beneath them it hasn't happened yet.People-Share-Suspicions-Without-Proof
I believe my grand mother was a serial killer. She was married 7 times; each ending in a sudden death. She died in the 1980’s but everything is still suspicious and no one seems to know anything. I did find an article about her when she came to the US where her first husband died defending her after her ex-boyfriend climbed in her window in New York City. I also found evidence of her having been in prison before coming to the US.People-Share-Suspicions-Without-Proof
That Bath and Body Works has like, 13 unique scents. Every couple of months they just rotate the scents in and call them something else. Animals, Photography
The Best 28 Wildlife Photos Revealed In The 2021 WildArt Photographer Of The Year Contest
Fails, Home & Design
40 Awful Design Choices That Got Shamed On The ‘Please Hate These Things’ Page (New Pics)
Animals, Cats
50 Of The Best ‘My House, Not My Cat’ Moments That Have Ever Happened To Humans (New Pics)
Funny Memes, Social Issues
The "My Fall Plans Vs. The Delta Variant" Is The Saddest, Most Relevant Meme On The Internet Right Now
My life is complete without children. Plus, I'd rather just stick to cats.Why-Not-To-Have-Kids-Answers
I'm lazy. I like my free time. I like money (well, the little I have!). I like sleep. I've also just never had the instinct in me to want kids. I feel complete without them. Plus it's scary enough worrying about my own future, let alone the future of miniature humans I am responsible for bringing into the world. Rather give it a miss.Show All 33 Upvotes
April • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
April • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
April • submitted 15 list additions 3 years ago
April • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
April • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Animals, Photography
The Best 28 Wildlife Photos Revealed In The 2021 WildArt Photographer Of The Year Contest
That Bath and Body Works has like, 13 unique scents. Every couple of months they just rotate the scents in and call them something else.People-Share-Suspicions-Without-Proof
I believe my grand mother was a serial killer. She was married 7 times; each ending in a sudden death. She died in the 1980’s but everything is still suspicious and no one seems to know anything. I did find an article about her when she came to the US where her first husband died defending her after her ex-boyfriend climbed in her window in New York City. I also found evidence of her having been in prison before coming to the US.People-Share-Suspicions-Without-Proof
Cats can understand our words, but do not care. They are waiting for a moment to speak, but since we are so far beneath them it hasn't happened yet. Funny, Photography
"Go To A Theme Park, They Said. It'll Be Fun, They Said" - 50 Of The Funniest Rollercoaster Photos (New Pics)
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April • 26 followers