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Robert Hughes
Community Member
1 posts
437 points
I do ballet, tap, and contemporary dancing. I have to adorable baby alpacas, Tommy and Jet. I'm 13 and I love school.
Robert Hughes • upvoted 39 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
My older brother told me that I'd never volunteer at a animal shelter or be a vet because I was some little girl who did nothing. About 5 years later I volunteered at a pet shelter. One day while working at the shelter someone tried to give up a snake. Of Corse as the person I was I adopted it as once. As my older brother was afraid of snakes I put my wonderful corn snake in my brothers bed... I got in so much trouble that night. It was worth it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
i can whistle with my mouth mostly closed so one time my class had a substitute teacher and i was whistling and she was getting really pissed about the whistling and she made the kid who sat behind me go take a timeout out side of the class roomHey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
My older brother told me that I'd never volunteer at a animal shelter or be a vet because I was some little girl who did nothing. About 5 years later I volunteered at a pet shelter. One day while working at the shelter someone tried to give up a snake. Of Corse as the person I was I adopted it as once. As my older brother was afraid of snakes I put my wonderful corn snake in my brothers bed... I got in so much trouble that night. It was worth it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
i can whistle with my mouth mostly closed so one time my class had a substitute teacher and i was whistling and she was getting really pissed about the whistling and she made the kid who sat behind me go take a timeout out side of the class roomHey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
We had an asshole neighbour growing up. He was retired and spent endless hours manicuring his lawn, bushes, flower beds. His yard looked immaculate, but he was such a d**k about it. Always making shitty comments about everyone else’s yards and yelling at the neighbourhood kids, threatening us if we ever set foot in his perfect yard. Anyways, he had a fountain as the center piece, one night me and my friends took a bottle of dish soap and emptied it into that fountain. Oh the bubbles!!! We climbed up onto my friends roof to watch the commotion. He went ballistic, we got into so much trouble .. but it was worth it to watch days and days of bubbles cover that asshole’s perfect yard. He moved away a few months later. No regrets.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
I the navy, after a night of drinking a few buddies and I decided to prank one of our friends that was passed out. So we woke up early the next day and bought all the girliest and most rediculous temporary tattoos we could find. So we came back he was still sleeping so we put the tatts all over his arms and legs and just waited. That next morining during muster in pt gear in the hot florida sun. He stood there with My little pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Bratz, and other tattoos everywhere and the Chief laughed and gave us the culprits extra watch for a week.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
I kinda blew up my high school chemistry lab I graduated in 1980 (before the times of Homeland Security) and was majoring in chemistry. One of my good friends was a year ahead and off to college, and he sent me the "recipe" on how to make pop rocks (for those old enough to remember) thru chemistry Most people know that fertilizer explosives are made with fertilizer. This is ammonium nitrate, which is very stable. You can toss a match on it, nothing happens. The version down the periodic scale is ammonium iodide, which is NOT stable Long story short, I screwed up the instructions. I was supposed to make the ammonium iodide crystal and store them in a beaker of distilled water, but instead, I rinsed them in distilled water and place the handful of crystals on the back lab bench. Ammonium iodide is so unstable they will spontaneously combust by nothing more than a breeze or nearby vibration. Advanced chemistry was first period, so by third period they had dried out, and all hell broke loose They cleared the entire science wing out (10 classrooms) and the teachers and principal came looking for me and dragged me out of concert choir to explain. I'm damn lucky in those days that law enforcement was not involved To this day one of my classmates is still pissed at me. Some of the wash solutions was on the floor, and he stepped on it in white Converse and the puffs of smoke (iodine vapor) permanently stained his shoes We also had the recipe to make "stink bombs" but while I was never caught, everyone knew who the class mad scientist wasHey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
My bestie & I lived next door to each other in elementary school. On the other side of her house lived a family with three boys, all older than us. They were skeevy...they were constantly trying to peek in her bedroom window & called us all kinds of nasty names. Their parents were meh about their sons' behavior & the father was a complete jackass to our parents. So one day, after her parents had rototilled the backyard in preparation for a new lawn, bestie & I grabbed up clods of dirt & chucked them over the fence into the family's swimming pool. Like, a LOT of them. We both got seriously busted & NEITHER of us regrets it. In fact, well over 30yrs later we STILL laugh about it!Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
My teacher was taking attendance and didn't see me in the back of the room. She kept calling and calling and calling my name. She didn't realize I was asleep. Got detention but it was definitely worth it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
When I was little, I would jump across the sofas in the basement while I watched TV. Jumping from the arm of the couch, to the other arm, to the loveseat... then I'd go back around and do it again. It was FUN! My little brother eventually started doing it with me. (Only when our parents weren't downstairs, of course.) One day as I was reaching the end of the "circuit," I heard someone coming down the stairs. I was able to jump off and stop, but didn't have time to warn my brother. So what my parents saw when they came down was my brother misbehaving and me just standing there. He got in trouble. I didn't get in trouble till the second time we got caught doing it. Honestly, my only regret is that we were caught and couldn't keep doing it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
Smacking my dad for looking through my phone without my permission He yelled at me like I gave two f**ks I give none >:DHey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
The only april fools joke i ever played, i put green food colouring in cartons of long life milk just thinking my mum would pour it out and laugh but she phoned the supermarket and milk company to complain!!! 😱🤣Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
When I was in high school, in English class we had a really, really nice teacher and the boys taught him a popular song in Spanish so he could sing to the Spanish teacher on her birthday. Except they changed the words to it and it quickly became inappropriate. Since I spoke Spanish, the English teacher asked me if they were pulling his leg and making him sing bad words in Spanish. I told him no, they weren't bad words and he trusted us. He went and sang the song to the Spanish teacher and was actually called to the principal's office! He told us all about it and we each offered a sincere apology because he was so serious and said he might get fired, and then he started laughing uncontrollably and said we were the best class EVER!Show All 39 Upvotes
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Robert Hughes • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
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