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The real me
Community Member
7 posts
48 points
I am a fan of all animators and btfw my sis took control of my account for a while after i gave her my info (never trust older sisters) so yeah don’t be mad at me for being “fake” love y’all and don’t get COVID (like me!)
The real me • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
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The real me • started following 2 people 4 years ago
The real me • commented on 24 posts 4 years ago
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The real me • upvoted 7 items 4 years ago
What Is Your Favorite Videogame?
Mario, Sonic, Animal Crossing... If I had to pick a favorite from each of those it would be Mario Kart Wii, SM64, SA2B, and ACNLWhat Is Your Favorite Videogame?
I, personally, love to play xbox games, such as Terraria, minecraft, fortnite, and my absolute favorite, Star Wars Battlefront 2. you should really check the last one out.What Is Your Favorite Videogame?
Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Brothers, Scribblenauts, and Undertale. as for mobile literally everything by hyperbeard.What Is Your Favorite Videogame
All of the GTAs, Hitman series, Counter-Strike, and now I've been really enjoying Cyberpunk 2077Show All 7 Upvotes
The real me • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago
The real me • submitted 6 new posts 5 years ago
The real me • submitted 4 list additions 4 years ago
The real me • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
The real me • commented on 16 posts 4 years ago
The real me • upvoted 20 items 4 years ago
What Is Your Favorite Videogame?
I, personally, love to play xbox games, such as Terraria, minecraft, fortnite, and my absolute favorite, Star Wars Battlefront 2. you should really check the last one out.What Is Your Favorite Videogame
All of the GTAs, Hitman series, Counter-Strike, and now I've been really enjoying Cyberpunk 2077What Is Your Favorite Videogame?
Mario, Sonic, Animal Crossing... If I had to pick a favorite from each of those it would be Mario Kart Wii, SM64, SA2B, and ACNLWhat Is Your Favorite Videogame?
Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Brothers, Scribblenauts, and Undertale. as for mobile literally everything by hyperbeard.Hey Pandas, Christmas Is Coming! What Present Do You Want?
Polly Anna here but Peace and for everyone to get along. For the violence to stop.Asked My Husband For A Kleenex. He Walked Over, Made A Big Deal About Wiping Off This Magnet Then Gave It To Me. It's A Clean X
Hey Pandas, If You Had 10 Million Cash, What Would You Do With It?
I would give it all away to people who actually need it.Hey Pandas, If You Had 10 Million Cash, What Would You Do With It?
I would buy 4 houses for my partner/me and 1 for each of my kids. I would put all the house keys in one bowl and they will each pick a key. The key they pick is the house they get. The real me • is following 3 people
The real me • 19 followers