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I love art and I have a jewelry business (DarlinDesignstx-> insta&facebook) I love to play with my dog Harrison Ford (profile picture;)
TBoneTheOriginal reply
Y'all won't like this, but religion. As a Christian, it is sickening to see so many of my fellow "Christ Followers" treat others like s**t.
Even if you disagree with the way someone is living, keep your opinion to yourself and love on them like you would anyone. We're all broken and nobody is perfect, so unless you're attempting to help someone in good faith, your judgement only serves to harm others.
distractedsubpenguin reply
People take the dangers of glitter way too lightly. That stuff is basically craft herpes. Once you get glitter on you, it spreads everywhere and never fully goes away. You find it on your clothes, in your hair, and somehow even in your food. A single encounter with glitter and you'll be finding those sparkly specks for years. It’s like a sparkly plague that never goes away and you keep finding between your toes and in other questionable places.
kangarookickers reply
Parenting. I can’t express enough how much of my adult life has been affected because of how I was raised. Take the time to explain things to your kids. Don’t scream at them over small mistakes they make. Don’t abuse spanking because you suck at managing your emotions. I could go on and on with this.
PugWitch reply
The final straw was: Me: “I need emotional support” Him “Can’t you get that from your friends?”.OpenlyBiCoastal reply
Men are constantly sending drinks to her, even if I’m standing next to her. And yes I drink it in front of them.bridge4captain reply
My wife is very pretty, and a few years younger than me. We were at a club pre covid and I whispered a bad joke in her ear, she rolled her eyes and walked away. Some other dudes saw it and thought I just got rejected, took pity on me and bought me some drinks while we talked about radiohead and D&D.Seya_Ayanami reply
Mexico is not yellow, and I'm tired of Hollywood always making Mexico yellow in their movies.AlbiTuri05 reply
The Italian national animal is the wolf, yes, but it's usually not specified that it's the *female* wolf.blahblahrasputan reply
I feel like too few people are really prepared for how fast the Australian sun will burn them when they get off the plane... If your SPF isn't 50+ it might as well go in the bin. Retirement in Australia is basically skin cancer treatments. Slip slip slap people.spoonthrows reply
Was studying for a math exam in college and some family friends brought their little kid for dinner. Little guy found his way in my room, said he's good at math and asked if he could help. "Eh I don't know, how do you draw the energy plot of a square signal?", and this kid, confidently amd without missing a beat, "With a pencil".lunasTARDIS reply
The leads in Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, had amazing on-screen chemistry but reportedly couldn't stand each other behind the scenes. They were still professional on set though.superman-64 reply
Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey in Batman Forever.Editor's note:
Jim Carrey has said: “He must have been in a mid-kill-me fantasy or something like that. And he went to hug me, and he said, ‘I hate you. I really don’t like you.’ And I said, ‘What’s the problem?’ and pulled up a chair, which probably wasn’t smart. And he said, ‘I cannot sanction your buffoonery.'”
deadgirlshoes reply
Doing a million pre-wedding events. Engagement party, bachelorette party, bachelors party, bridal shower, rehearsal dinner… bro just get married, why are you stalling??LittleOrangeCat reply
Justifying having a wedding on a weeknight or in a remote (but cheaper to you) location as “If people love you, they’ll make the effort to come.” Just because I don’t want to spend over $1k on flights and hotels to to attend a destination wedding don’t mean I don’t love the bride and groom. It means I’m prioritizing how I spend my money and limited vacation time.30 Students And Parents Call Out Their Teachers Who Were So Wrong, They Shouldn’t Be Teaching Anyone
distractedsubpenguin reply
People take the dangers of glitter way too lightly. That stuff is basically craft herpes. Once you get glitter on you, it spreads everywhere and never fully goes away. You find it on your clothes, in your hair, and somehow even in your food. A single encounter with glitter and you'll be finding those sparkly specks for years. It’s like a sparkly plague that never goes away and you keep finding between your toes and in other questionable places.
kangarookickers reply
Parenting. I can’t express enough how much of my adult life has been affected because of how I was raised. Take the time to explain things to your kids. Don’t scream at them over small mistakes they make. Don’t abuse spanking because you suck at managing your emotions. I could go on and on with this.
TBoneTheOriginal reply
Y'all won't like this, but religion. As a Christian, it is sickening to see so many of my fellow "Christ Followers" treat others like s**t.
Even if you disagree with the way someone is living, keep your opinion to yourself and love on them like you would anyone. We're all broken and nobody is perfect, so unless you're attempting to help someone in good faith, your judgement only serves to harm others.