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2 posts
289 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Sarah • upvoted 4 items 6 months ago
Show All 4 Upvotes
Sarah • upvoted 8 items 1 year ago
luminous_sludge reply
A very personal one. My ex was very abusive. He tried to get me to think I "am not mentally capable" of living without him (I'm disabled, but I always tested at a genius level and did decently well at work and school). So now he's gone, and I'm furthering my career and absolutely thriving.AceTygraQueen reply
Tina Turner. She got away from an abusive husband with virtually no assets and went on to become a solo superstar!RoundKaleidoscope244 reply
When I was 13 my uncle called me an ungrateful little Bi*** and said I will amount to nothing, be a little sl*t and proceeded to push me against a door that had a nail sticking out which stuck into my back. Many years later, I completed college, worked my way to a government career, bought a home, didn’t fall into the trap of having several kids and being on welfare like most of my family. He literally pushed me into success.Show All 8 Upvotes
Sarah • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
Show All 3 Comments
Sarah • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
Show All 20 Upvotes
Sarah • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
Show All 5 Comments
Sarah • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Sarah • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Sarah • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
Sarah • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
Sarah • upvoted 4 items 6 months ago
Sarah • upvoted 15 items 1 year ago
RoundKaleidoscope244 reply
When I was 13 my uncle called me an ungrateful little Bi*** and said I will amount to nothing, be a little sl*t and proceeded to push me against a door that had a nail sticking out which stuck into my back. Many years later, I completed college, worked my way to a government career, bought a home, didn’t fall into the trap of having several kids and being on welfare like most of my family. He literally pushed me into success.luminous_sludge reply
A very personal one. My ex was very abusive. He tried to get me to think I "am not mentally capable" of living without him (I'm disabled, but I always tested at a genius level and did decently well at work and school). So now he's gone, and I'm furthering my career and absolutely thriving.Physical-Ant-1036 reply
Brendan Fraser getting the Oscar this year after being black listed from Hollywood for over a decade for speaking out about being sexually assaulted.AceTygraQueen reply
Tina Turner. She got away from an abusive husband with virtually no assets and went on to become a solo superstar! Sarah • is following 3 people