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Leg less In Minneapolis
Community Member
Felled by cruel fate I am a 50-something woman who resides in a nursing home and entertains herself writing sarcastic comments on the internet and laughing at posts.
TeamOfPups reply
My work took me to a perinatal mental health unit.
There was a new mum who was an in-patient there, had the baby a week or two back, she had post partum psychosis and was currently catatonic.
Her husband had asked a member of staff when they could start trying for their second baby.
Wtf is wrong with his priorities??! He shouldn't be a parent. Or a husband.
Nurse Showing Newspaper Headline About Polio Vaccine To A Man On Chest Respirator Due To Polio, 1955
Louis Armstrong, An American Trumpeter And One Of The Most Influential Artists In Jazz History, Drawing A Trumpet And Autographing The Side Of A Young Man's Head In Nice, France, 1961
old-mate-darren reply
Worked as a bouncer and had a few drunkards who got violent. I got very good at dodging thrown bottles. One day I get the usual call to come and give someone the walk of shame. Well, I grab his shoulder and start walking him out and before I realise something’s happened he stabbed me in the thigh and was about to go for my throat before he got glassed by a patron. A few stitches and a funny walk for a few weeks and I was fine but that guy always got free drinks. His only problem with glassing the dude was “well now I’ve got no beer, that’s a bit sad”.
Was Inspired By A Vintage Style Deer Figurine And Made These Giant Versions. I’m So Happy With How They Turned Out
TeamOfPups reply
My work took me to a perinatal mental health unit.
There was a new mum who was an in-patient there, had the baby a week or two back, she had post partum psychosis and was currently catatonic.
Her husband had asked a member of staff when they could start trying for their second baby.
Wtf is wrong with his priorities??! He shouldn't be a parent. Or a husband.