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Tame panda
Community Member
3 posts
453 points
I am literally a human.
Tame panda • commented on 5 posts 3 years ago
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Tame panda • upvoted 35 items 3 years ago
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Tame panda • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Tame panda • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Tame panda • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
This isn’t really a question but more of a comment. My best friend at the time was talking about how a kid in their class was causing a mess at a museum they went to on a field trip, and they were talking about how he said he had ADHD. “that makes a lot of sense, i can’t be around people with that”, they said. There was thirteen year old me, who had been diagnosed with ADHD just a week before. That was...interesting.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
Not directly to my face, but my mom has been asked quite often if I was adopted, because I look absolutely nothing like her (I look like a female version of my dad). The only reason it pains me a bit is because my mom almost died while giving birth to me, and she went through a ton of complications and surgeries, just to have people question it all. Having said that, I have nothing against adoption btw, I fully support and encourage it.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
"Is this your room? You'd never be able to tell if a boy or girl lived here." Going on to heavily imply that my lack of possessions/decorations = lack of identity/personality when in reality my family was just poor.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
I have a stutter and people always ask me why I'm so quiet it hurts because I want to be social but whenever I try I tend to be ignored or cut off half way through my sentence, like I want to be social and speak to people but it's almost impossible for meQuestion-Asked-Broke-Heart
Being asked by my grandma who I was because I wasn't her granddaughter. And when my "best friend" asked why I ever thought we were friends... The first broke my heart, but I understood it wasnt malicious she had Alzheimer's. The second one has caused lasting trust issues and an very difficult time making friends.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
During college, parents took a friend and I out to dinner. Very normal dinner, chit chatted about whatever. After we left and were walking back to my car, he turns to me and says "Is that what a normal relationship is like?" We talked more after that, I had met his parents a few times and they seemed strict but never seemed to have a terrible relationship. Turned out apparently his dad had cheated on his mom multiple times, dad had zero respect for any of my friends sisters and essentially expected them to do all the housework while the men did "guy stuff." Hunting, training for sports, school, etc. Turned out his childhood was pretty fucked, dad was never around and he had to essentially be the father figure in the house. As the oldest child, never really saw a normal loving relationship that he could look up to. My friend is a really nice guy, still has some messed up views of relationships though. I never realized how "abnormal" my very normal family/childhood was.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
When the vet said: "Your cat has an inoperable cancerous tumor. The kindest thing you can do to end his suffering is to put him to sleep. Do you wish to do this?"Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
Said bye to grandma before leaving the house. About 20 seconds later after saying bye to everyone else she asks "When are you going to say bye to me?" She died two weeks after that.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
“Can I wish for my sister?” - A 10-year-old student of mine whose big sister died 4 years ago. We were working on an activity about dreams and aspirations for their futures.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
A few years ago I was at a small family gathering. We had them fairly often. Just me, my siblings, parents and niece's and nephew. I remember going out the back for a cigarette and my niece asked "why are you always sad?". She would've been about 6yo at the time. I was going through a horrendous mental period that involved a lot of alcohol, medication, and sleepless nights. Of course I told her I was fine, just a little tired from working hard. I remember thinking about that interaction the rest of the night.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
"Wait, aren't you going to hit me?" I worked as a music teacher, and had a 15 year old student who originally came from an African country play a passage incorrectly on the instrument repeatedly. We only had one instrument of the kind she played, so I reached out my hand and asked her to hand me the instrument over to show her, when she saw me playing, she asked me that question with genuine confusion, and I realised what hell her school life in her home country had been. She not only thought I would hit her for not playing correctly, but also that she deserved it. I felt like crying when I got home that night.Question-Asked-Broke-Heart
I was having fertility problems and couldn’t get pregnant after 4 yrs of trying. A child once asked me “Do you think there just aren’t any babies who want you to be their mother?”This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Tame panda • 19 followers