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1 posts
678 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Unaffected • upvoted 23 items 1 year ago
WardenWolf reply
"We reduce the performance of your older iPhone to keep it from crashing." Sorry, Android doesn't do this and this type of thing hasn't been a problem for over 10 years. It WAS an issue with some of the earliest smartphones, but not since 2012 or so. Apple just does it to try to get you to upgrade or pay for a battery replacement. Edit: gotta love the Apple sheep down voting me for speaking the truth.T*tsmcghee99 Reply
Giant eyelashes that will make you take flight if you flutter them fast enough.Striving_Hermit:
My husband hates the long fake eyelash look, and he asked me why women wear them when men don't particularly like them.
I thought it would be funny, so I told him it's not about impressing men but about asserting one's dominance on another woman.
He believed me and now tells all his friends that it's an 'alpha-female' thing, hahaha.
Show All 23 Upvotes
Unaffected • commented on 17 posts 1 year ago
Show All 17 Comments
Unaffected • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Unaffected • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Unaffected • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
WardenWolf reply
"We reduce the performance of your older iPhone to keep it from crashing." Sorry, Android doesn't do this and this type of thing hasn't been a problem for over 10 years. It WAS an issue with some of the earliest smartphones, but not since 2012 or so. Apple just does it to try to get you to upgrade or pay for a battery replacement. Edit: gotta love the Apple sheep down voting me for speaking the truth.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Unaffected • 56 followers