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Polina Kyprianova PLINART
Community Member
Hello everyone! I am 24 years old and I admire nature and historic cities. I graduated from being a designer, but I never called myself that. Since childhood, I imagined myself as a freelance artist and it seems the universe heard me.
I have been painting for more than 15 years, I loved to paint portraits of people, animals, still lifes, flowers, but landscapes stuck in my heart deeper than other genres.
For 10 years I studied at an art school in my hometown. After leaving school, I entered the Industrial Design University, specializing in Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts. The university is located in the most beautiful city in Russia in my opinion, and this city is St. Petersburg. It charmed me with its atmosphere and beauty that I decided to stay and live in it after graduation. With the help of my paintings, you can also enjoy the beauty of this city. In addition to cityscapes, I am mad about the power and energy of natural beauty. I really love watching sunsets and sunrises, as well as the natural elements. I am fascinated by the flight of clouds and the rich colors of the setting sun, how the luminary paints the sky with all the colors of the rainbow.