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Found In A Dustbin.
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing About Middle School?
I am a mixed nation kid, my mom was born in Moldova and my dad was born in Ukraine. I was born here, in America. When I was in 6th grade I took ice skating lessons and I would often go to the public sessions to practice. One time I went with my older brother and his girlfriend, we skated for a while, then my brother and his girlfriend left me at the rink to go get ice cream at a nearby gas station. I didn't have a phone, so I couldn't call either of them, so I looked around to see if i can call my brother from a stranger's phone. I came up to a group of Russian/Ukrainian kids. I asked one of the teenage girls (in English) if I could borrow her phone to call someone. She agreed, but her friends started laughing and joking (in Russian) while I was dialing my brother's phone number. They said something like this: "What, did her parents not teach her? Ugly people don't talk to people like us" and "Why is she such a dumbass b***h?" ,I didn't respond and continued dialing. When my brother answered I calmly said ( in Russian) "Where are you? I have a headache, can you come back to the rink?" The kids that were saying rude remarks about me had an expression that I will never forget.