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Axle Winters
Community Member
5 posts
466 points
do u ever like, really wanna kys but u cant bc ppl would miss u and also yk ur too hot to die
Axle Winters • upvoted an item 1 year ago
Axle Winters • commented on 33 posts 2 years ago
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Axle Winters • upvoted 4 items 2 years ago
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Axle Winters • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Axle Winters • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Axle Winters • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Axle Winters • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Axle Winters • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Axle Winters • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Axle Winters • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Axle Winters • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
psilome reply
I once escorted a church group, ages young kids through adults, on a weekend overnight outing to a camp in the Poconos. The camp was set at the confluence of two streams and was somewhat rugged. The group had lots to do - a climbing wall, boating, hiking, sports, all kinds of stuff, including a nature center and little museum. The nature center had interactive displays, fish tanks, small animals, etc, and a "touch table" - a large wooden table with sides, on which was scattered all sorts of artifacts the guests could pick up and handle. These items included deer antlers, bones, turtle shells, feathers, arrowheads and pottery, rocks, seeds and nuts, tanned hides, etc. Little kids especially loved it. All of the items were found by guests or staff while out in the camp, and returned to the nature center. I handled the items also, and I noticed one bone had a really odd shape. I am an environmental scientist by profession, and an outdoorsman and naturalist for fun, and can generally recognize what bones came from what parts of what animals. This bone was a HUMAN MANDIBLE - the lower jawbone of a person. It was severely worn smooth and had no teeth, but easily recognizable as such. It had been there for years, handled by thousands of people, and no one noticed or at least reported it.RoninRobot reply
Worked in wound care. Lady came in with severe decubitus from neglect in a nursing home. Both her legs were rotted on both sides from lack of blood flow from not being turned. Put her in the whirlpool and over the next 20 minutes her legs disintegrate. All the rotted flesh comes off in chunks. When we pull her out, she basically has two skeleton legs with meat hanging off them... and maggots. The bastards opened the window in her room to deal with the smell of her rotting flesh... in August. Instead of rotating her like they should have. Axle Winters • is following 56 people
Axle Winters • 9 followers