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4 posts
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popkjnhbvgc • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
popkjnhbvgc • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
popkjnhbvgc • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago
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popkjnhbvgc • commented on 15 posts 2 years ago
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popkjnhbvgc • started following 3 people 2 years ago
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popkjnhbvgc • submitted 17 list additions 2 years ago
popkjnhbvgc • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
popkjnhbvgc • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
anon reply
I did junk removal for a while and we used to clean out estates of people who died. You can find some nice records or old furnitures that would end up be worth lots of money. One day, after a third week straight of cleaning out estates of the deceased, my coworker and I stood still in this old woman's living room, and kinda just stopped. We realized the value of someone after they pass, or rather, the lack thereof. Here we are throwing out photo albums, books, journals, note cards: all things that were once valuable to somebody. But now they are just being chucked to a garbage truck without any thought. All those things that a person has spent their lifetime accumulate, ended up meaning nothing. Often the children come and sort out some stuff, but most of the time it's just "get rid of everything". It made me realize that accumulating material goods is really a futile way of living. You can't take it to the grave (most of the time), and it just end up in a line fill. Jabronis like us would try to make a buck out of the candle sticks that you so adored and thought your children would definitely take. It is morbid to think that we are just literally throwing away someone's life and memory. I don't know, just something to think about. Collect experiences, as those can not be taken by anyone. If the choice is between that nice watch and a weekend trip to Mexico, probably choose the latter. popkjnhbvgc • is following 12 people
popkjnhbvgc • 2 followers