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Sad Panda
Community Member
1 posts
124 points
I love horrible puns even if I dont act like it heheh
Sad Panda • upvoted 40 items 2 years ago
"Thanks, I Hate It": 40 Unsettling Things That Nobody Wanted To See, As Shared By This Online Group (New Pics)
35 Of The Most Obvious Things People Have Only Just Realized And Shared In This Online Group (New Answers)
Curiosities, Relationships
People Are Telling Their Darkest Secrets To This Twitter Account, And Here Are 50 Of Their Juiciest Confessions (New Answers)
i couldn't swallow pills until a month ago and when i finally did it my mom applauded me with tears in her eyes and wrote it down in my baby book. i'm 23.Things-Learned-Embarrassingly-Late
So a little back story first. I was a really annoying and persistent child. My mother used to tell me that I couldn't accompany my parents out to dinner because "children aren't allowed in restaurants." Fast forward 20 years and my girlfriend and I are out to eat. When a child runs by being a little shitball I say, "Remember when children weren't allowed in restaurants?" No...nobody does.Things-Learned-Embarrassingly-Late
I had two uncles when I was growing up who did everything together, both had YMCA-style moustaches, never had any girlfriends, and lived together with three cats. Didn't realise they weren't just close friends until I was sixteen. "Oblivious" doesn't even come close.Show All 40 Upvotes
Sad Panda • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
Sad Panda • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Sad Panda • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
"Where's The Fifth Pig?" - World War II Anti-Hitler Poster Created In The Occupied Netherlands. When Folded Correctly, It Creates Face Of Hitler - The Fifth Pig
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Sad Panda • 50 followers