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1 posts
542 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Athletic_Girl • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
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Athletic_Girl • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Really Small Thing That's Made A Really Big Difference In Your Life?
Small size, big decision. A small blue pill that I've taken everyday for over two and a half yeBad-Parents-Toxic-Parenting
Saying that a kid has a boyfriend/girlfriend any time they are close friends with a child who isn't the same gender. On top of reinforcing the idea that boys and girls can't ever be strictly platonic friends, it's so creepy to project adult ideas of romantic relationships onto kids who are practically still toddlers.Hey Pandas, What's A Really Small Thing That's Made A Really Big Difference In Your Life?
Small size, big decision. A small blue pill that I've taken everyday for over two and a half yeBad-Parents-Toxic-Parenting
Saying that a kid has a boyfriend/girlfriend any time they are close friends with a child who isn't the same gender. On top of reinforcing the idea that boys and girls can't ever be strictly platonic friends, it's so creepy to project adult ideas of romantic relationships onto kids who are practically still toddlers.I Had A Window Garden Starving For Sun So I Hinged It And Backed It With A Mirror. Worked Like A Champ
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Athletic_Girl • commented on 12 posts 4 years ago
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Athletic_Girl • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Athletic_Girl • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
Athletic_Girl • commented on a post 4 years ago
Athletic_Girl • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's A Really Small Thing That's Made A Really Big Difference In Your Life?
Small size, big decision. A small blue pill that I've taken everyday for over two and a half yeBad-Parents-Toxic-Parenting
Saying that a kid has a boyfriend/girlfriend any time they are close friends with a child who isn't the same gender. On top of reinforcing the idea that boys and girls can't ever be strictly platonic friends, it's so creepy to project adult ideas of romantic relationships onto kids who are practically still toddlers.I Had A Window Garden Starving For Sun So I Hinged It And Backed It With A Mirror. Worked Like A Champ
Athletic_Girl • upvoted 11 items 4 years ago
My Doofus Of A Dog Followed The Kids To School Yesterday. Here's A Picture Of Him In The School Office, Obviously Quite Ashamed Of His Actions
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Athletic_Girl • 11 followers