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Oli Oli
Community Member
1 posts
115 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Oli Oli • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago
Found Some Porcelain Fungus, I Haven't Tried Cooking Any Yet But They Are Fun To Look At. Anyone Tried?
On flights, if you are fighting for an arm rest with a stranger. bring your arm (the one thats on the same side the arm rest you want) up to your mouth and sneeze/cough. Then place it by the armrest. The other person will move their arm. Has had 100% success rateShow All 26 Upvotes
Oli Oli • commented on 13 posts 2 years ago
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Oli Oli • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Oli Oli • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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Oli Oli • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
"Warning: This Page Will Ruin Your Childhood!": 50 Posts That Hit Millennials Right In The Childhood
Oli Oli • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Actually Helpful Survival Tips?
If you live in a place that gets tornadoes, keep a loud whistle wherever you take shelter. If you get trapped under debris, a whistle is louder than yelling and doesn't take as much energy.Hey Pandas, What Moment In Your Life Changed The Way You Think?
When I found out my favorite dinosaur the Brontosaurus ("B" from now on) wasn't real. I still believed in Santa so this was my first big "lie". The guy who found/named it had cludged it together from several dinosaurs and made a fake skull to say he found the biggest one. Scientists realized the mistake several years later and fixed it but the guy who funded the "B" scientist was a publisher so he continued the lie. I wasn't heart broken when the guy at the museum told me. Instead it hooked me on science because he showed me why. Science is about finding better answers and its ok to correct things that are wrong. For the first time, dinosaurs became real because they weren't perfect. I became a scientist whose chased marmots up mountains and worked in organ banks because of that "lie". Happy ending - they found a "B" skull in 2015 that matched most of the other bones from the original "B" and 3 species are back. So a mistaken mistake was corrected. I love science.Hey Pandas, What Moment In Your Life Changed The Way You Think?
When I realized that nothing really matters, like to the universe. This thought actually helped my depression and anxiety because it lifts some of the weight off my chest, that even if I mess something up, the universe will carry on just fine, it's not the end of the world if I do/say something wrong.Hey Pandas, What Moment In Your Life Changed The Way You Think?
When a dear friend passed away suddenly, and when clearing out their desk, I found their mantra on a piece of paper on top of their workload in the drawer… 1. Don’t worry about things, as most things never happen. 2. Don’t sweat the small stuff, it too will probably not happen 3. Give more. 4. Expect less. (and the one I always smile at, as they said it often) 5. To get something you never had before, you gotta do something you have never done before.Hey Pandas, What Moment In Your Life Changed The Way You Think?
Once when I was about 10, a fox wandered into our backyard in broad daylight and we noticed it moving around in a peculiar way on a dirt patch in the corner of the yard which we always used to bury our pets (we had many pets over the years). As we slowly got closer to it, we realized the fox was twitching severely, as if having a seizure that wouldn't stop. It didn't react to our presence even as we got closer. We called animal control to take care of it, and they arrived and explained that it had some kind of brain infection that slowly takes over its functions until it becomes completely incapacitated but still functioning as we see it today. They quickly helped it to the final door and it was buried in that very spot. The fact that it was neurological forced me to consider the state of mind it had been in that day - How long were its motor skills and basic functions slipping away? Did it know what was happening when it walked through broad daylight? Did it know it would pass away soon? Was it fully aware that we were standing over it? How much did it suffer?... How much did it suffer *mentally*? Until then I had loved animals but still considered them like autonomous bots. This was the first time that I was brought to terms with them as cognizant equals and understood that they have internal mental capabilities and struggles just the same as humans. It brought me to recognize a whole new genre of suffering, and I became significantly more caring because of it.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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