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Community Member
1 posts
146 points
I am BOTW panda v2!! I'm back!! I don't have much time ro typey bio, but hi everyone! I logged on occasionally, but just made my new account. Hey irishgoalgirl. Headless roach, and Zara!!! See you soon!! I need to get a real keyboard b3fore actually working on it, but I will type a real pne soon!!
TOTK PANDA • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
TOTK PANDA • submitted a new post 1 year ago
TOTK PANDA • commented on 28 posts 1 year ago
50 Epic Children's Product Design Fails That Are So Bad, It's Hard To Believe They Actually Happened
50 Epic Children's Product Design Fails That Are So Bad, It's Hard To Believe They Actually Happened
Show All 28 Comments
TOTK PANDA • started following a person 1 year ago
TOTK PANDA • upvoted 8 items 1 year ago
throwaway4senpai reply
During mating a male anglerfish will fuse with a larger female, allowing them to share not only sperm but also blood and skin. They become one amalgamated abomination that haunts the deep for the period of mating. Edit: it's a deep-sea anglerfish, not a hagfish. Different nightmare.MrHyde_Is_Awake reply
Manatees aren't fat. They're round. Many mammals develop a layer of fat or blubber to preserve body heat. Manatees are tropical mammals and do not need a lot of body fat.eurobro17 reply
Switzerland does not have a single official head of state. It is a council of 7 people.Show All 8 Upvotes
TOTK PANDA • submitted a new post 1 year ago
TOTK PANDA • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
TOTK PANDA • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
50 Epic Children's Product Design Fails That Are So Bad, It's Hard To Believe They Actually Happened
50 Epic Children's Product Design Fails That Are So Bad, It's Hard To Believe They Actually Happened
TOTK PANDA • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
throwaway4senpai reply
During mating a male anglerfish will fuse with a larger female, allowing them to share not only sperm but also blood and skin. They become one amalgamated abomination that haunts the deep for the period of mating. Edit: it's a deep-sea anglerfish, not a hagfish. Different nightmare.eurobro17 reply
Switzerland does not have a single official head of state. It is a council of 7 people.MrHyde_Is_Awake reply
Manatees aren't fat. They're round. Many mammals develop a layer of fat or blubber to preserve body heat. Manatees are tropical mammals and do not need a lot of body fat. Social Issues
Preacher Carrying 'You Deserve To Be Raped' Sign Gets Hit With A Baseball Bat And The Comments Are Priceless
TOTK PANDA • 2 followers