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Noosh • upvoted 26 items 1 year ago
Moon_Gurl22 reply
I’m gonna have to go with Ripley from the Aliens movies. She’s a calm, cool and collected competent female professional with a perfect amount of righteous indignation at the inhumane callousness of her corporate handlers and that epic “get away from her you b***h!” mama bear instinct that will always stand out to me.eminva02 reply
Just after my 6th anniversary, I found a video on my husband's tablet from a hidden camera that showed my 14 year old niece nude. I called the police immediately. He never came home again. He's in prison now. In one moment I realized I had no clue who I was married (and had a child with!) And I yeeted his a*s into the sun.Hey Pandas, What's The Most Sexist Thing Someone Has Said To You?
I have many haha but here’s three: ‘Ew… you have hairy man arms.’ We were 11, I am a girl, and my guy friend said that, just cos I have a LITTLE hair visible on my arms. Ah yes, I’m sorry, all women should take the form of naked mole rats! 😃 ‘When you said you play hockey I thought you meant you were a cheerleader. Girls can’t play hockey, their too weak to hit the ball.’ Yes. Because ‘ I play hockey’ can easily be mistake for ‘ I’m a cheerleader.’ I mean I’m a tiny little woman, so obviously you took it that way 🥺🥺 Him: ‘You should watch how much you eat.’ Me: ‘why?’ Him: ‘because it’s not ok for girls to get fat. You know, men work so hard they are allowed to eat whatever, women just stand there and look pretty.’ First of all, I’m nowhere near ‘overweight’ and even so, there is NOTHING wrong with ANYONE being overweight. I just stared at him until he left because I made him feel so uncomfortable lol 😂Show All 26 Upvotes
Noosh • commented on 13 posts 1 year ago
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Noosh • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Noosh • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Noosh • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Moon_Gurl22 reply
I’m gonna have to go with Ripley from the Aliens movies. She’s a calm, cool and collected competent female professional with a perfect amount of righteous indignation at the inhumane callousness of her corporate handlers and that epic “get away from her you b***h!” mama bear instinct that will always stand out to me.eminva02 reply
Just after my 6th anniversary, I found a video on my husband's tablet from a hidden camera that showed my 14 year old niece nude. I called the police immediately. He never came home again. He's in prison now. In one moment I realized I had no clue who I was married (and had a child with!) And I yeeted his a*s into the sun.This Panda has no followers yet