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Susan Gibson
Community Member
3 posts
10 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Susan Gibson • upvoted 12 items 11 months ago
Entitled People, Social Issues
Woman Refuses To Switch Seats With A Man So He Can Sit With Family, Flight Attendant Intervenes
TheBeardsley1 reply
Obsolescence being built into things, electronics especially. Rent being so damn high. Groceries being so damn expensive. Having too much month left at the end of my money.OrdinaryInformation reply
Having to put in payment info for a "Free Trial" so it'll just auto-renew and start charging you once your free trial is over.Show All 12 Upvotes
Susan Gibson • upvoted 19 items 1 year ago
Loves_me_tacos125 reply
A couple years ago, my old employer gifted every single department one tube of chapstick with the company’s logo on it. I mean, I used it but then lost it like a week later so…Vintage (1980’s) Milkshake Machine/Drink Mixer. Works Like A Champ, My Husband Is Using It To Make Tiki Drinks🍹
sever-sonda reply
I'm 70 years old and have never understood this biological parent stuff unless it had to do with a health matter. To me, and I think to a most people that any man can just be a sperm donor but the real father is the man who steps up and raises the child as his own. My generation taught that if a person married someone with children that those children were his by marriage and they were to take the parental role and love and protect them as if they were always his/hers. Sad to say, I think a lot of men now days use the fact that they aren't blood relatives to escape responsibility emotionally and financially. Relationships
Woman Throws Dog Waste In Her Neighbors’ Bins And Doesn’t See The Problem With It, BF Ends It
Funny, Funny Memes
"The Struggle Is Real": 50 Hilariously Accurate Memes That Sum Up Dating As An Introvert
"I was in the back of a bus and the wifi name was "Say Chicken Nuggets." I yelled "CHICKEN NUGGETS!" to the front of the bus. Someone replied "NO SPACES!" I didn't get it at first but after like 5 minutes I was like "wait...", put in "chickennuggets" for the password and I was in." Science & Technology
40 Interesting Gadgets From Cities Around The World That Should Be Implemented Everywhere
thefoag reply
My mom lives far from me and we only get to see each other once a year. She’s 65. Even if I’m lucky and she lives until 80 or so, I’m going to physically see her around 15 more times. The idea of it being so limited makes my stomach hurt.Show All 19 Upvotes
Susan Gibson • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Susan Gibson • commented on a post 1 year ago
Susan Gibson • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Susan Gibson • upvoted 4 items 5 years ago
Show All 4 Upvotes
Susan Gibson • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Susan Gibson • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Susan Gibson • commented on a post 1 year ago
Susan Gibson • upvoted 14 items 11 months ago
Entitled People, Social Issues
Woman Refuses To Switch Seats With A Man So He Can Sit With Family, Flight Attendant Intervenes
TheBeardsley1 reply
Obsolescence being built into things, electronics especially. Rent being so damn high. Groceries being so damn expensive. Having too much month left at the end of my money.OrdinaryInformation reply
Having to put in payment info for a "Free Trial" so it'll just auto-renew and start charging you once your free trial is over. Susan Gibson • upvoted 2 items 12 months ago
Susan Gibson • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
Vintage (1980’s) Milkshake Machine/Drink Mixer. Works Like A Champ, My Husband Is Using It To Make Tiki Drinks🍹
sever-sonda reply
I'm 70 years old and have never understood this biological parent stuff unless it had to do with a health matter. To me, and I think to a most people that any man can just be a sperm donor but the real father is the man who steps up and raises the child as his own. My generation taught that if a person married someone with children that those children were his by marriage and they were to take the parental role and love and protect them as if they were always his/hers. Sad to say, I think a lot of men now days use the fact that they aren't blood relatives to escape responsibility emotionally and financially.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet