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Nolan Streitberger
Community Member
I am an artist living in Albany, Oregon working in the medium of photography. I first learned photography while attending Oregon State University's JumpstART program, a pre-college of the arts for high school students. I utilize digital photography, film, and alternative process - shooting with darkroom paper, ortho litho film, and currently wet plate collodion with antique large format view cameras.
I am a 2023 Critical Mass Finalist and my work has been selected for recognition by the Smithsonian Photography Awards and the Palm Springs Photo Festival. My work has also been featured with Der Spiegel, Bento, ZEITjUNG, Flavorwire, and Edge of Humanity Magazine. I have been exhibited at Blue Sky Gallery in Portland Oregon, PhotoPlace Gallery's online show, The Curated Fridge, and LoosenArt in Millepiani Gallery in Rome Italy.