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Ninetails Lover
Community Member
3 posts
59 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Ninetails Lover • upvoted 37 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
I AM TERRIFIED OF THE OCEAN. The ironic part? I'M FROM MALDIVES! I can literally go to a crossroad and whether I look left or right, all I see would be waves. I'm mainly scared of drowning I suppose. So, to get over this irrational fear, I'm going to a swimming competition tomorrow.😬 In. The. Ocean. Wish me luck!!Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
I AM TERRIFIED OF THE OCEAN. The ironic part? I'M FROM MALDIVES! I can literally go to a crossroad and whether I look left or right, all I see would be waves. I'm mainly scared of drowning I suppose. So, to get over this irrational fear, I'm going to a swimming competition tomorrow.😬 In. The. Ocean. Wish me luck!!Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
That everyone everywhere can read my mind. It's actually really annoying.Hey Pandas, Do You Have Funny Irrational Fears?
I'm always anxious when I look at people with long fingernails doing any precise tasks, especially the ones requiring pressing or prying. I can't help but expect that their fingernails will snap or rip off leaving bare, bloody meat on the fingers. For the very same reason I can't grow my own nails too much.Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
The day I told my parent I was raped. Man, my sister started the conversation, I added in. But It’s something I’m proud of and that will never change.Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
In November 2017 I was brutally attacked by my intimate partner and spent two weeks in intensive care. On January 11, 2018 I ran my first marathon! It wasn’t fast and it wasn’t pretty but it was all mine!!! And it was a huge step in remembering who the f’ I am!!!Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
I made first chair in the district honor band. Still super proud of that.Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
Oo ,telling people I was raped,took 2 years :/Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
I went to a camp recently since then I've really started introducing myself with my preferred name/pronouns. I'm just really proud of myself because before then I would either freeze or give the easy answer (which makes me uncomfortable). I know I have my friends to thank for this but I'm still proud that I've been starting to do it on my own without them to back me up. It's less the day I was most proud of myself and more why I've been proud of myself most recently but I feel it still counts. Next step, coming out to my teachers and getting my name changed on the register :3Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
I was paralyzed after giving birth to my son. My neurologist/orthopedic surgeon who had done a L4 surgery 4 years earlier came to see me briefly. Said I'd probably be like this for the rest of my life. Hmm...nice, right? I've always been a believer in self improvement and was determined to prove him wrong. No other doctor would see me due to a small town (mostly burned off the map during the Camp Fire) idea of fear of lawsuits. Every day, I visualized myself improving. I had my newborn to nurse, my 27 month old daughter to take care of & a new home moved into 1 day prior to son's birth. By month 2 I was up on a walker, , but a full year before all symptoms gone. I went on to become an EMT/FIREFIGHTER for 14 years, divorced, raised 2 amazing people successful in their chosen careers & still believe in self visualizing practices.Hey Pandas, What Was The Day You Were Most Proud Of Yourself?
I was most proud when I received a call from my teacher upon graduating O levels. ( The surprise was when I reached there and my teachers told me to stand with the highest achievers)Show All 37 Upvotes
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50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
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