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Nicola Dimigen
Community Member
1 posts
3.6K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Nicola Dimigen • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
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Nicola Dimigen • upvoted 32 items 2 years ago
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Nicola Dimigen • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Nicola Dimigen • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Nicola Dimigen • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Nicola Dimigen • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
sasstoreth reply
Forbidding my (straight male) partner to spend time with female friends. He's a grown-a*s man; he should know how to hold healthy boundaries. It shouldn't be on me to keep him from cheating. If he's really gonna fall into the pants of the first girl I leave him alone with, she can have him. Similarly, blaming someone else for my partner's failings, and/or trying to "win back" someone who doesn't want me. He's a big boy who can make his own choices (even bad ones), and I want a partner who wants to be with me, not someone I had to talk into staying. (For the record, my dudeman of 20 years is awesome.)Ripping Apart A Drunk, Beligerent And Volatile Abuser
The day I got my restraining Order against my then spouse...Everyone says the abusers rarely show up, and he had no reason to show up at ours... He was drunk, belligerent, and volatile. The judge let him ramble and make an absolute A*S out himself, for about ten minutes before she asked him when he had had his last alcoholic beverage, since she could smell him from the bench...He started in on her and she...just ripped him apart. For the first time in his life, he was forced to silently listen to a woman call him out, tell him he is an abuser, a user, an addict, and a terrible person in general. In front of his teenage kids he brought along. She counted down each previous RO and eviction from all his previous women, and (correctly) said he is the kind of man who chooses vulnerable women to live off of and she sees this as his "job" and that he wasn't going to be getting a "paycheck" from me anymore. It's been years and he still hates me with a passion for that experience. Nicola Dimigen • is following a person
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