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Nekwasa Rapheal
Community Member
2 posts
23 points
Nekwasa Rapheal • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Nekwasa Rapheal • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Nekwasa Rapheal • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago
Work & Money
Man Gets Ex-Boss Fired For Skipping Important Meeting After Tricking Him Into Attending A Fake Job Interview In Europe
"Hey Pandas, If You Were To Switch Gender For An Hour What Will You Do With Your Time ?"
let's be honest, the first thing we'd all do is touch ourselves."Hey Pandas, If You Were To Switch Gender For An Hour What Will You Do With Your Time ?"
First I'd take a few minutes talking to myself in the mirror like a crazy person: "Haha, what will you do now? I can stare all I want and there's nothing you can do about it!" "Dude. You DO realize you're leering at YOURSELF?!" "SILENCE! DO NOT QUESTION MY METHODS!" "WE HAVE THE SAME METHODS, YOU IDIOT!" Then I'd spend literally the rest of the day touching, caressing and pleasuring myself in various ways so that I could have INTRICATE knowledge of how a woman's body responds to physical stimuli. Then when I became a man again the next day, all the women would be totally addicted to me, because I'd blend my natural manly assertiveness and aggression with my knowledge of the female sexual experience, becoming the ultimate sex master.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
I'd find the moment when the cells in our son's DNA started to go wrong, rewind the clock and not do whatever it was that made him the way he is. The doctors swear there's nothing that caused it and nothing we could have done differently but I'd give anything to give him a chance at a normal life.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
I'd go back about 15 years ago and tell my husband "hey, I think we have a problem here..." We are still together, but it would have saved us a lot of pain and grief along the way.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
1. Go back to the time I did the biggest mistake of my life. 2. Go back to my aunt's wedding an hug my cousin and have crazy fun with him because it would be the last time I see him.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
Tell my friend not to go home just yet. She had been at my house all day at it was about 9pm. She lived two streets away and I had a funny feeling in my stomach that she shouldn't leave. I pushed it aside and she left. It normally takes less than 5 minutes for her to get home and she or her mum would always call to say she'd got back safe. This night she didn't, on the way home she was attacked and raped by two guys. She never recovered from the attack and ended her life a year later. I miss her everyday. It taught me to always trust my gut and to never let a friend go home alone.Show All 11 Upvotes
Nekwasa Rapheal • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
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Nekwasa Rapheal • started following 2 people 2 years ago
Nekwasa Rapheal • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Nekwasa Rapheal • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Nekwasa Rapheal • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Nekwasa Rapheal • upvoted 11 items 2 years ago
"Hey Pandas, If You Were To Switch Gender For An Hour What Will You Do With Your Time ?"
First I'd take a few minutes talking to myself in the mirror like a crazy person: "Haha, what will you do now? I can stare all I want and there's nothing you can do about it!" "Dude. You DO realize you're leering at YOURSELF?!" "SILENCE! DO NOT QUESTION MY METHODS!" "WE HAVE THE SAME METHODS, YOU IDIOT!" Then I'd spend literally the rest of the day touching, caressing and pleasuring myself in various ways so that I could have INTRICATE knowledge of how a woman's body responds to physical stimuli. Then when I became a man again the next day, all the women would be totally addicted to me, because I'd blend my natural manly assertiveness and aggression with my knowledge of the female sexual experience, becoming the ultimate sex master."Hey Pandas, If You Were To Switch Gender For An Hour What Will You Do With Your Time ?"
let's be honest, the first thing we'd all do is touch ourselves.Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You've Ever Overheard?
Years ago, on the bus, I saw a teenaged girl hand her friend a baggie of Saltines and slices of cheddar. The friend ate the snack in silence, then said, "Yeah, it's weird. My father doesn't believe in the power of cheese."Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
I'd find the moment when the cells in our son's DNA started to go wrong, rewind the clock and not do whatever it was that made him the way he is. The doctors swear there's nothing that caused it and nothing we could have done differently but I'd give anything to give him a chance at a normal life.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
I'd go back about 15 years ago and tell my husband "hey, I think we have a problem here..." We are still together, but it would have saved us a lot of pain and grief along the way.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
1. Go back to the time I did the biggest mistake of my life. 2. Go back to my aunt's wedding an hug my cousin and have crazy fun with him because it would be the last time I see him.Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Relive One Moment Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
Tell my friend not to go home just yet. She had been at my house all day at it was about 9pm. She lived two streets away and I had a funny feeling in my stomach that she shouldn't leave. I pushed it aside and she left. It normally takes less than 5 minutes for her to get home and she or her mum would always call to say she'd got back safe. This night she didn't, on the way home she was attacked and raped by two guys. She never recovered from the attack and ended her life a year later. I miss her everyday. It taught me to always trust my gut and to never let a friend go home alone. Nekwasa Rapheal • is following 2 people
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