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42 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
memaselfandi • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
memaselfandi • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
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memaselfandi • upvoted an item 1 year ago
memaselfandi • submitted a new post 1 year ago
memaselfandi • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
memaselfandi • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
memaselfandi • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
I'd wanted to be an artist, and was a dedicated sketch artist and painter when I was young, but I gave up on the dream of quitting my job to be a full-time painter, because the economics would mean that I'd have to paint what would sell instead of what interested me, and the income would be so unsteady that it's almost impossible to be a full-time artist without a prosperous and indulgent spouse or a trust fund. So what with one thing and another, I decided that it wouldn't do to follow my dream, and really, it was more important to save lives than to create decorative objects. So now I work in healthcare and am very proud of my accomplishments, and draw and do wildlife photography in my spare time.Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
I used to write poetry, sketch, and make dreamcatchers and mandalas. I have had trouble finding words when I need them due to lesions in my brain related to multiple neuropathies. My hands do not work they way they used to so it's very hard to hold a pencil even to write my name, let alone do anything artistic. I can still make a fair dreamcatcher, though it takes me ages to do. It's very frustrating when your body betrays you.Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
I'd wanted to be an artist, and was a dedicated sketch artist and painter when I was young, but I gave up on the dream of quitting my job to be a full-time painter, because the economics would mean that I'd have to paint what would sell instead of what interested me, and the income would be so unsteady that it's almost impossible to be a full-time artist without a prosperous and indulgent spouse or a trust fund. So what with one thing and another, I decided that it wouldn't do to follow my dream, and really, it was more important to save lives than to create decorative objects. So now I work in healthcare and am very proud of my accomplishments, and draw and do wildlife photography in my spare time.Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
I used to write poetry, sketch, and make dreamcatchers and mandalas. I have had trouble finding words when I need them due to lesions in my brain related to multiple neuropathies. My hands do not work they way they used to so it's very hard to hold a pencil even to write my name, let alone do anything artistic. I can still make a fair dreamcatcher, though it takes me ages to do. It's very frustrating when your body betrays you.Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
Being an author I always loved writing still do I'm working on a story now anyways ... The higher the grade I'm getting into the more I realized in ELA that ohh boy there's a lot you have to do with writing so for right now I have no clue if in the future I will ever write for the public. (And yes I know I'm young i got a while still though)Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside!
I really want to develop a movie career sometime. It's sort of my dream to make movies.Hey Pandas, What Is A Useful Body Hack You Know?
The best cure for a hangover is to drink less alcohol the previous night. You're welcome.Hey Pandas, I Just Ended A Relationship After Six Years. Any Tips On How To Get Through Heartbreak?
Take time to go through the steps of a break up. Feel it. Be strong. Be alone for a while. Make a list of what you learned from the relationship. Don't let that relationship or the failure of it define you. Learn from it but don't bring that baggage with you to your next one.Show All 15 Upvotes
memaselfandi • commented on 9 posts 3 years ago
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memaselfandi • submitted a new post 3 years ago
memaselfandi • submitted a new post 1 year ago
memaselfandi • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
memaselfandi • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
memaselfandi • commented on 5 posts 1 year ago
memaselfandi • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
memaselfandi • commented on 10 posts 3 years ago
memaselfandi • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago
memaselfandi • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
memaselfandi • upvoted 13 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
I'd wanted to be an artist, and was a dedicated sketch artist and painter when I was young, but I gave up on the dream of quitting my job to be a full-time painter, because the economics would mean that I'd have to paint what would sell instead of what interested me, and the income would be so unsteady that it's almost impossible to be a full-time artist without a prosperous and indulgent spouse or a trust fund. So what with one thing and another, I decided that it wouldn't do to follow my dream, and really, it was more important to save lives than to create decorative objects. So now I work in healthcare and am very proud of my accomplishments, and draw and do wildlife photography in my spare time.Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
Being an author I always loved writing still do I'm working on a story now anyways ... The higher the grade I'm getting into the more I realized in ELA that ohh boy there's a lot you have to do with writing so for right now I have no clue if in the future I will ever write for the public. (And yes I know I'm young i got a while still though)Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside?
I used to write poetry, sketch, and make dreamcatchers and mandalas. I have had trouble finding words when I need them due to lesions in my brain related to multiple neuropathies. My hands do not work they way they used to so it's very hard to hold a pencil even to write my name, let alone do anything artistic. I can still make a fair dreamcatcher, though it takes me ages to do. It's very frustrating when your body betrays you.Hey Pandas, What's The One Dream Or Hobby You Have Set Aside!
I really want to develop a movie career sometime. It's sort of my dream to make movies. memaselfandi • is following a person
memaselfandi • 11 followers