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Natasha W
Community Member
1 posts
16 points
I am a freelance writer, editor, and own my own business. I am a mom to 2 kids and a dog. My favorite books are fantasy/scifi - and my current favorite author is Ilona Andrews. I like to be outdoors or gaming in my spare time. I'm also a competitive weightlifter :) If you see videos on the Hookgrip page, some of them are ones I shot since I freelance for sports photography/video as well.
Natasha W • commented on 5 posts 2 years ago
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Natasha W • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Fitness Advice You've Ever Gotten?
“Just eat less, exercise more! It’s so easy, the weight just slid off!” Ok, let me rephrase that for you “Have an eating disorder”Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Fitness Advice You've Ever Gotten?
"Drink less water". I have several conditions that basically make my body think it needs to store as much water as possible. I'm a human equivalent of a sponge. I did the body composition analysis thing at a gym once and the trainer looked at it and went like: "dunno, maybe you should drink less water?". He was being serious. He was being dead serious. Luckily I know better than to follow such rubbish advice. Natasha W • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Natasha W • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Natasha W • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Natasha W • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Natasha W • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Fitness Advice You've Ever Gotten?
“Just eat less, exercise more! It’s so easy, the weight just slid off!” Ok, let me rephrase that for you “Have an eating disorder”Hey Pandas, What Is The Worst Fitness Advice You've Ever Gotten?
"Drink less water". I have several conditions that basically make my body think it needs to store as much water as possible. I'm a human equivalent of a sponge. I did the body composition analysis thing at a gym once and the trainer looked at it and went like: "dunno, maybe you should drink less water?". He was being serious. He was being dead serious. Luckily I know better than to follow such rubbish advice.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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