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Mr Old School Cool
Community Member
1 posts
1.4K points
INFP Panda. I celebrate all things old school and culturally cool. This naturally means mostly Horror Movies and Classic Rock. BTW, that is actually Mrs Old School Cool in my profile pic.
Mr Old School Cool • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
NautNymph reply
Maybe not the deepest thing I've ever heard but definitely something that changed my life the most over time: "You become an adult when you realize your parents are just people." It might seem obvious but when you're in an unhealthy, borderline Stockholm-esque home life when you're young, that realization can slap.Hey Pandas, What's The Name Of The Horror Movie That Scared You?
The Ammityville Horror. Saw it in theaters (double feature with The Exorcist). Back then I thought it actually was a true story so I was scared for about six weeks - what made it worse, was I read the book a few years later (and still thought it was true) and it was much more horrifying...Hey Pandas, What Would Your Ultimate Fantasy Concert Or Festival Line-Up Be?
mcr peirce the veil sleeping with sirens nirvana queen arctic monkeys the smiths big time rush #slayShow All 20 Upvotes
Mr Old School Cool • commented on 13 posts 1 year ago
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Mr Old School Cool • submitted 7 list additions 1 year ago
Mr Old School Cool • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Mr Old School Cool • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Mr Old School Cool • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Mr Old School Cool • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
NautNymph reply
Maybe not the deepest thing I've ever heard but definitely something that changed my life the most over time: "You become an adult when you realize your parents are just people." It might seem obvious but when you're in an unhealthy, borderline Stockholm-esque home life when you're young, that realization can slap.Hey Pandas, What's The Name Of The Horror Movie That Scared You?
The Ammityville Horror. Saw it in theaters (double feature with The Exorcist). Back then I thought it actually was a true story so I was scared for about six weeks - what made it worse, was I read the book a few years later (and still thought it was true) and it was much more horrifying...Hey Pandas, What's The Name Of The Horror Movie That Scared You?
The original IT with Tim Curry. I really don’t think I have to add anything else inThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Mr Old School Cool • 4 followers