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dogdog • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago
FragsturBait reply
I always take my shirt off after my shoes when I get undressed. So there I was at around 4:30 in the morning headed through security to fly across country for a festival. I'm nowhere close to awake and I'm totally running on autopilot. I'm throwing my stuff on the conveyor, I take my shoes off, and I started to take my shirt off and the (FFS why was she attractive) TSA lady was like "Slow down sir we just met". I didn't know they came with a sense of humor.arndta reply
As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's. My McDonald's was 24 hours and, during the summer, I worked the overnight shift. My sleep schedule would get all messed up. My parents woke me up for dinner one evening. I zombie walked to the table and sat down. My dad asked me to say grace. I bow my head and say, "thank you for choosing McDonald's, may I take your order?"FragsturBait reply
I always take my shirt off after my shoes when I get undressed. So there I was at around 4:30 in the morning headed through security to fly across country for a festival. I'm nowhere close to awake and I'm totally running on autopilot. I'm throwing my stuff on the conveyor, I take my shoes off, and I started to take my shirt off and the (FFS why was she attractive) TSA lady was like "Slow down sir we just met". I didn't know they came with a sense of humor.arndta reply
As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's. My McDonald's was 24 hours and, during the summer, I worked the overnight shift. My sleep schedule would get all messed up. My parents woke me up for dinner one evening. I zombie walked to the table and sat down. My dad asked me to say grace. I bow my head and say, "thank you for choosing McDonald's, may I take your order?"I Adopted Moogie (10-20yrs) On Saturday After She Was Returned To The Shelter After One Night For Being "Too Old And Sickly." She Is Partially Blind And Deaf, Has Bad Teeth, And Has Multiple Mammary Tumors. She Is Perfect
jessw4983 reply
I was told I couldn't have children after years of wanting nothing more than to be a mother. Even with this knowledge my former bff told me one day that I could never know what love really was because I didn't have kids. I realized that day just how toxic, abusive, and one sided our friendship had always been and cut her from my life. Turns out the drs were wrong and I'm currently 5 months pregnant with my first child at 40. So yay for happy endings!JustSayGGBro reply
It was my last year in a country I previously lived in and at the time it was during summer vacation where we normally spend it in our home country. We had to cut our vacation short because we got a phone call telling us that our house had gotten broken into and robbed. We came back and on that day and he was talking to me telling me he saw cops by our house and he hopes everything is OK. It was horrible with everything stolen, furniture destroyed, closets torn down and fully emptied. My family decided to accelerate the transfer from that country and there was that. A year later he messages me a long e-mail explaining how sorry he was and that he was responsible for it and that his friends were the perpetrators and that he knew who did it but didn’t want to expose them. When we showed the police the e-mail and they questioned him it turned out he was part of that group as well.UglyBirdsAreCool reply
I was supposed to be going into a friends home (also a neighbor) daily when they were on vacation to put in their mail, etc. I just felt weird going in there for some reason, which was odd because I’ve spent tons of time in there. So I just put it off for a few days. On like the third day we caught someone moving stuff out of the front door in the middle of the night - turns out someone was watching the house, broke a back window and was squatting in the house. By the state of the house, I’d say he was in there as soon as they left. Local police rolled up and caught him in the front yard, as he ran from them he chucked a gun. Safe to say I was really glad I put off putting the mail on the counter.rhuwiwhx reply
I was casually walking home and then a drop of water fell on my head. My first thought was “Is it raining?” And my gut was all like, “Run.” So, naturally, I ran, and a whole f*****g air conditioner crashed down at the exact spot where I was standing.Different-Escape-440 reply
My ex and I were snorkelling. We were on holidays and spent most days at the beach snorkelling without incident. But this day was different, we were snorkelling along a rocky area near a drop off. I had this horrible feeling that we were being watched and felt really uneasy. I signalled to my ex to surface and I told him I felt weird and we needed to go back to the beach. He protested because he was having fun, but I was adamant. Low and behold, we get to the beach and everyone is standing and pointing to the water. We look back to see a large bull shark coming close to the shore. Not long after a helicopter was seen tracking it down the coast. My ex never questioned my intuition again!Gullible-Alarm-8871 reply
Well, not my life, but my husband's. It was after a long day about an hour from home Halloween night. It was late when we finally got home, I was exhausted, fell asleep immediately, a few hours later, my husband woke me up, having intense stomach pain. I ruled out food poisoning because we had eaten the same thing that day, so I took him to the hospital because I knew him, this wasn't something simple. We sat in ER for hours, the just kept us waiting. I kept going up to the desk and said please. My husband us doubled over in intense pain! Finally they took him back, ran tests, including ct scan. Found nothing said we should go home until it "passes" . I said NO! SOMETHING IS DESPERATELY WRONG! They rolled their eyes, I said call his primary, he knows my husband us not an alarmist. My husband's primary ordered a surgeon to go in and see the problem. They took him in, came out and said his gall bladder was gangrenous and it would have burst and he would have died from sepsis. The surgeon clamped it off and removed it, said he would not have seen the morning had I not insisted something be done. Needless to say, I scratched that hospital off my list to EVER step foot in again.JessonBI89 reply
I realized in my 39th week of pregnancy that my baby hadn't been moving as much for the past 36 hours. I decided it was best to make sure everything was all right, so we went to the ER. Turns out I was having preeclampsia, and he had the umbilical cord around his neck and was swimming in meconium. They put me on magnesium sulfate to bring my blood pressure down, and they gave me an emergency C-section. I and my son needed a few days to recover, but we're alive and well now. If I had decided to keep waiting and seeing, both of us might be dead.shadowball46 reply
When I was 10, I was walking to my friends house. A van stopped me to ask for directions to the park. A man was driving and a woman was passenger and she's the one who spoke to me. We had been taught in school (and by my parents) that adults should never ask kids for directions. In school, they told us if anyone ever stops you, take a giant step back before running away (so they can't grab you). So I take a step back and tell them I don't know where the park is. The lady said "I can't hear you, come closer" and I knew in my gut something was wrong. Out of fear, I almost listened to her but then the sliding door on the van started to open and I took off running faster than I've ever ran in my life. Ran all the way to my friends house. I told her parents everything and they called my parents and the police. The police came to her house and talked to me and said that 2 other kids in our neighbourhood reported the same van stopping and trying to talk to them. It was weird because before the van even stopped beside me, I had this sick feeling in my gut. As soon as it started rolling down the street, I knew something bad was about to happen. It was a couple of months before I had the guts to walk to my friends house again.Quirky-One-8900 reply
Offshore fishing, wanted to jump in to cool off but felt Just then the shark fin surfaced, and a nice-sized great white circled the boat a couple times and disappeared. To be fair, I'd probably be fine, but I was done with the water for a day.NoSleepNoCoffee1 reply
A few years ago I had a (rare) day off work and decided to get some Christmas shopping done. It was late November and the mall near me was having some really good sales. But as I was driving there I started having this weird anxious feeling. Like the closer I got the more anxious and uneasy I felt. So instead of going right to the mall I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a drink and snack. I couldn’t shake the anxiety so I sat in the parking lot for a bit while I ate and drank. I opened up the news on my phone and the first thing that pops up is a shooting at the mall I was headed to. Obviously I went straight home. Did all of my Christmas shopping online that year.Responsible-Bet-7485 reply
I had a sense something was wrong in my house but no reason why. I went around looking but couldn’t find anything wrong or anyone in there. Felt so freaked I stayed at a friends place. Ended up being a carbon monoxide leak—could’ve saved my life.LogicalFallacyCat reply
One time I was hiking after a storm and my intuition told me to freeze. I listened and a large tree just fell down across the trail in front of me, right where I would have been if I didn't stop.S_204 reply
My GF met up with a work friend at a bar. This girl was with a guy who gave me seriously bad vibes. He was fake friendly but his eyes were crazy. My GF didn't see it. I wasn't having it. I told her I was leaving, and she really needed to come. We fought, I left, she came running after. Next morning, we find out the guy stabbed someone in the chest and killed the guy. I straight up said I told you so. He was f*****g crazy. Gfs friend spent the night in holding too. I don't know if it saved my life but it saved me one helluva bad time.Show All 39 Upvotes
dogdog • commented on a post 1 year ago
dogdog • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
dogdog • submitted 5 list additions 3 years ago
dogdog • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
dogdog • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
arndta reply
As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's. My McDonald's was 24 hours and, during the summer, I worked the overnight shift. My sleep schedule would get all messed up. My parents woke me up for dinner one evening. I zombie walked to the table and sat down. My dad asked me to say grace. I bow my head and say, "thank you for choosing McDonald's, may I take your order?"FragsturBait reply
I always take my shirt off after my shoes when I get undressed. So there I was at around 4:30 in the morning headed through security to fly across country for a festival. I'm nowhere close to awake and I'm totally running on autopilot. I'm throwing my stuff on the conveyor, I take my shoes off, and I started to take my shirt off and the (FFS why was she attractive) TSA lady was like "Slow down sir we just met". I didn't know they came with a sense of humor.I Adopted Moogie (10-20yrs) On Saturday After She Was Returned To The Shelter After One Night For Being "Too Old And Sickly." She Is Partially Blind And Deaf, Has Bad Teeth, And Has Multiple Mammary Tumors. She Is Perfect
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