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Community Member
1 posts
284 points
A 15 year old Muslim Teenager that lives in Canton, MI. If I'm not being crushed by the pressure of modern day standards I'll be on boredpanda
NotBoredPanda • commented on 24 posts 1 year ago
Show All 24 Comments
NotBoredPanda • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
The_Terminatah said: "When I found out my crush liked me back." bumjiggy replied: "This happened to me recently. Luckily I was able to sabotage it in record time!"Plot-Twist-Stories
"Years ago my company was slowly going under so I was looking for other jobs. I got a job with another company and put in my two weeks with my manager. Me: "I've been offered another job and I'm taking it. I'm putting in my notice." Manager: "Oh, well we hate to lose you. Do you mind me asking where you will be going?" Me: "I'm going to [company]." Manager: "S**t..." Me: "..." Manager: "I applied for that position too." Me: "I'm sorry to tell you that you didn't get it."'Show All 16 Upvotes
NotBoredPanda • submitted a new post 1 year ago
NotBoredPanda • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
NotBoredPanda • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
NotBoredPanda • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
"Years ago my company was slowly going under so I was looking for other jobs. I got a job with another company and put in my two weeks with my manager. Me: "I've been offered another job and I'm taking it. I'm putting in my notice." Manager: "Oh, well we hate to lose you. Do you mind me asking where you will be going?" Me: "I'm going to [company]." Manager: "S**t..." Me: "..." Manager: "I applied for that position too." Me: "I'm sorry to tell you that you didn't get it."'Plot-Twist-Stories
The_Terminatah said: "When I found out my crush liked me back." bumjiggy replied: "This happened to me recently. Luckily I was able to sabotage it in record time!"This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
NotBoredPanda • 3 followers