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hi, im em! current student, diagnosed with ADHD and autism among other things (yay /s), any pronouns are fine as long as they aren't masculine ^^
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda Premium?
I think it's stupid. Subscriptions should ADD, not take stuff away from everyone else. If they just made it so you got a super upvote/downvote or something, no ads, or better features, I wouldn't care.
But taking away dark mode from everyone else? Wtaf???? It's the only way to see the site well if you have eye issues/sensory issues like me.
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Of The New Bored Panda Premium?
I think it's stupid. Subscriptions should ADD, not take stuff away from everyone else. If they just made it so you got a super upvote/downvote or something, no ads, or better features, I wouldn't care.
But taking away dark mode from everyone else? Wtaf???? It's the only way to see the site well if you have eye issues/sensory issues like me.