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Mia Jensen
Community Member
7 posts
2.3K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Mia Jensen • commented on 22 posts 2 years ago
Show All 22 Comments
Mia Jensen • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is A Career Option That You Think More People Need To Consider?
College professor here. I think more young people should consider going to trade school instead of opting for the typical four year university experience.Hey Pandas, What Is A Career Option That You Think More People Need To Consider?
Specialists in medical fields. As an example, I have epilepsy and most can use a neurologist as a doctor, however, sometimes they don’t know enough. I had to find an epileptologist, who is a neurologist who took extra schooling to learn about epilepsy. There are always areas in the medical fields that need people who are more educated about certain conditions. A neurologist just went through medication changes over and over for decades, but an epileptologist said meds won’t cut it and offered a variety of different options I never knew about.Hey Pandas, What Is A Career Option That You Think More People Need To Consider?
Safety Manager. Responsible for making sure all employees go home safely at the end of the day. TONS of opportunities in construction, manufacturing, etc. I've been in the role since 2005 and have never made less than $100k/year.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
I like to make an entire bathtub of jello and then sit in it.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
During an argument, it's to completely shut down. I neither speak nor cry, I just stare at one particular spot in a daze and think about something completely random. During sadness, I cook anything I'm feeling for.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
I knit or crochet. A lot of the time I'm not even making anything specific just doing it for the sheer relaxation of making something out of a ball of yarn. I learned while I was convalescing from an operation and now I'm horribly addicted.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
Listening to depressing music honestly helps me feel betterHey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
Humming/singing aloud. It stops me from losing control of my tears.Show All 13 Upvotes
Mia Jensen • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Mia Jensen • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Mia Jensen • upvoted an item 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favourite Experience You Have Ever Had With A Guy??
Depends what you mean by "least favourite experience". But I would say that time that I was walking in the street and a guy came towards me shouting if i wanted to have sex with him. It was very scary. Or any time that my father yelled at me, gave me the cold shoulder or threatened me. Mia Jensen • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Mia Jensen • commented on a post 3 years ago
Mia Jensen • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Mia Jensen • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Mia Jensen • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Mia Jensen • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is A Career Option That You Think More People Need To Consider?
College professor here. I think more young people should consider going to trade school instead of opting for the typical four year university experience.Hey Pandas, What Is A Career Option That You Think More People Need To Consider?
Specialists in medical fields. As an example, I have epilepsy and most can use a neurologist as a doctor, however, sometimes they don’t know enough. I had to find an epileptologist, who is a neurologist who took extra schooling to learn about epilepsy. There are always areas in the medical fields that need people who are more educated about certain conditions. A neurologist just went through medication changes over and over for decades, but an epileptologist said meds won’t cut it and offered a variety of different options I never knew about.Hey Pandas, What Is A Career Option That You Think More People Need To Consider?
Safety Manager. Responsible for making sure all employees go home safely at the end of the day. TONS of opportunities in construction, manufacturing, etc. I've been in the role since 2005 and have never made less than $100k/year.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
During an argument, it's to completely shut down. I neither speak nor cry, I just stare at one particular spot in a daze and think about something completely random. During sadness, I cook anything I'm feeling for.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
Listening to depressing music honestly helps me feel betterHey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
I like to make an entire bathtub of jello and then sit in it.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
I knit or crochet. A lot of the time I'm not even making anything specific just doing it for the sheer relaxation of making something out of a ball of yarn. I learned while I was convalescing from an operation and now I'm horribly addicted.Hey Pandas, What's Your Go-To Self-Comforting Habit?
Making coffee and drinking it in my favorite chair with my grumpy old cat in my lap. Mia Jensen • upvoted 7 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favourite Experience You Have Ever Had With A Guy??
Depends what you mean by "least favourite experience". But I would say that time that I was walking in the street and a guy came towards me shouting if i wanted to have sex with him. It was very scary. Or any time that my father yelled at me, gave me the cold shoulder or threatened me.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet