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Onyx Delson
Community Member
Hey there! Just wanted to share that my profile pic was created by the @hunbloom on picrew.
Fav tv series: Heartstopper (make one smile every moment)
Check out it's comic too
Fav movie: call me by your name (its THE BEST)
Fav Artists: Prismo, IPrevail, ISHAAN, Mia, Dua Lipa,Ed Sheeran
Hobbies: Mangas, Novels, Listening to Piano Covers and Pop Music
high school battlefield o-o
18 Comics That Take A Sharp, Dark And Bizarre Turn You Won't See Coming By Rémi Lascault (New Pics)
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Tips For A Freshman Student In High School?
most ppl are homophobic asf. even if your not part of the LGBTQIAP+ community, steer clear of them, as normally theyre also just a******s.
18 Comics That Take A Sharp, Dark And Bizarre Turn You Won't See Coming By Rémi Lascault (New Pics)
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Tips For A Freshman Student In High School?
most ppl are homophobic asf. even if your not part of the LGBTQIAP+ community, steer clear of them, as normally theyre also just a******s.