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Mike Jacobs
Community Member
8 posts
128 points
I joined Bored Panda on 1/22/2022
This is an alternate account to my main one so I can reveal some information about my personal life and ask for advice on it without telling everyone who I am.
Mike Jacobs • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
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Mike Jacobs • upvoted 12 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What’s The One Thing You Own That You Doubt Anyone Else Has?
The cutest cat in the whole world 😂Show All 12 Upvotes
Mike Jacobs • submitted 8 new posts 2 years ago
Show All 8 Posts
Mike Jacobs • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Mike Jacobs • submitted 8 new posts 2 years ago
Mike Jacobs • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Mike Jacobs • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago
Mike Jacobs • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What’s The One Thing You Own That You Doubt Anyone Else Has?
The cutest cat in the whole world 😂Hey Pandas, Share Some Funny "Out-Of-Context" Sentences From Books
"Throw it up now or the deal is off. I can't be bothered to wrestle it from you and get blood all over my uniform." I know it's 2 sentences, but the first one is so short :/Hey Pandas, Aita For Ignoring My Mother?
I understand why you are so angry. She had no right to try getting inside your devices and least to reset them. As a gamer I can understand how hard that is. But ignoring people is usually not a good idea. It creates more problems but it does not solve them. It is tempting to do so and if you do it until you cool down it can help. But not for days. I would try to talk to your mum. Aknowledge that you shouldnt have been late with your homework (admiting guilt is a good step to get others to open up). But tell her that you dont think that she should have done that. That it hurt you. That invading your privacy is not the way to go and that punishing you by deleting your files was really risky. You could have had things from school there or important things (she wont understand the games I wouldnt mention it). If you keep your calm and your mother is a reasonable person she should listen to you. (Not that all parents are reasonable) I wish you the bestThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Mike Jacobs • 3 followers