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Michelle Kujawski
Community Member
1 posts
250 points
Wedding, lifestyle, and commercial photographer living in the Milwaukee suburbs. I cherish experiences over material things, authenticity, nature as nourishment for the soul, aesthetically pleasing everything and that travel is life! When I’m not working, I’m either meeting up with my girlfriends for cocktails, making myself get my cardio in for the day or cuddled up on the couch with my husband and two kids watching a movie or House Hunters International.
Michelle Kujawski • submitted a new post 4 years ago
Michelle Kujawski • upvoted an item 4 years ago
Michelle Kujawski • submitted a new post 4 years ago
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Michelle Kujawski • upvoted an item 4 years ago
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Michelle Kujawski • 4 followers