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Mia Black
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Simple_Knowledge6423 reply
Forcing terminally ill people in constant pain and discomfort to stay alive without the option to be helped to end their lives peacefully and with dignity.
Substantial_Walk1061 reply
I think the way we treat the environment will be something future generations look back on and see as barbaric. We’ve been very careless with pollution, waste, and climate change, and in 50 years, they might wonder how we didn’t do more to protect the planet when we knew the damage we were causing.
My Little Christmas Tree Quiches With Romanesco Are So Wonderfully Simple To Prepare Thanks To The Mashed Potato Base That They Can Be Integrated Into A Christmas Menu Without Any Stress
Substantial_Walk1061 reply
I think the way we treat the environment will be something future generations look back on and see as barbaric. We’ve been very careless with pollution, waste, and climate change, and in 50 years, they might wonder how we didn’t do more to protect the planet when we knew the damage we were causing.