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I'm spending my work hours among horses and relax hours with the most expensive bunny of the province. Love a lot of much to list. Highly entertaint by site as BP
Hey Pandas, What's A (Small) Thing You Keep Doing Wrong Repeatedly, Even If You Know How To Do Right?
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If you have older kids, set up an Uber family account and let them know they can use it if they need to. As a dad of 3 teenage girls, I'd rather see they grabbed a safe ride home and didn't feel guilty about doing it than the possible alternative.
Jeffclaterbaugh reply
We hit the lottery for 12.5 million dollars and nobody in our family - including our children has any idea.
Besides us and the government, the only other people who know is an attorney we hired to keep our identities private as well as an accountant. We have kept our lives pretty normal… We both work so there looks like there’s an income coming in… we both enjoy what we do and didn’t want to have anything change drastically. We just didn’t want to ruin our relationships with everyone or spoil our kids… We have it safely invested for their futures… But not until they establish themselves on their own without any idea that there is a safety net. We support numerous charities. It’s a blessing to win but a bigger blessing not to be destroyed by money. Obviously this isn’t my real name which would defeat the whole purpose.