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25 posts
8.6K points
I enjoy writing short stories, photography and drawing uh i come to Bored Panda in class because i am always Bored LOL. um well i'm always looking for new friends so if you want you can email me
Shona • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
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Shona • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
Read The Description Idk What The Title Should Be
Sam Maxwell- Sandy blond hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular. Usually wears camo pants with lots of pockets and a plain black t-shirt. Always has ammo on hand and is protective of everyone in the group, especially the youngest ones. Lucas Miller- Curly brown hair, prankster attitude, comic relief. Is always ready with a comment that'll make them laugh but can be serious when it's important.Read The Description Idk What The Title Should Be
Here is an example character i have already done for you guys to follow: Character 1 Likes: Music, drawing, Ballet, cooking for the group, Talking, writing, Journalism. Appearance: medium length Black wavy hair, Pale skin, tattoo on her ankle, ocean blue eyes, PERFECT body 5”8. Wears: Skinny Jeans, crop top and Crop Jacket (occasionally steals Will’s Hoodie) Floral Doc Martins, Choker. Always has with her: A Back-pack with, I-pod, Mp3 player (& chargers), pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, headphones, water bottles, ammunition. Always has her hunting bow over her shoulder. Personality: Bi-sexual, talks too much, loves drawing, affectionate and kind hearted, loves spending time with her boyfriend and her best friend, she is the “Big Sister” of the group, the cook, has a short temper so one wrong word and she might snap, will protect the group at any costs. Hot badass not afraid to spill blood. Weapon choice: Hand gun, Knife, hunting bow, throwing axes and ceiling fans. Extras: Teacher younger Members how to defend themselves, handles the guns and Ammo.Read The Description Idk What The Title Should Be
Sam Maxwell- Sandy blond hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular. Usually wears camo pants with lots of pockets and a plain black t-shirt. Always has ammo on hand and is protective of everyone in the group, especially the youngest ones. Lucas Miller- Curly brown hair, prankster attitude, comic relief. Is always ready with a comment that'll make them laugh but can be serious when it's important.Read The Description Idk What The Title Should Be
Here is an example character i have already done for you guys to follow: Character 1 Likes: Music, drawing, Ballet, cooking for the group, Talking, writing, Journalism. Appearance: medium length Black wavy hair, Pale skin, tattoo on her ankle, ocean blue eyes, PERFECT body 5”8. Wears: Skinny Jeans, crop top and Crop Jacket (occasionally steals Will’s Hoodie) Floral Doc Martins, Choker. Always has with her: A Back-pack with, I-pod, Mp3 player (& chargers), pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, headphones, water bottles, ammunition. Always has her hunting bow over her shoulder. Personality: Bi-sexual, talks too much, loves drawing, affectionate and kind hearted, loves spending time with her boyfriend and her best friend, she is the “Big Sister” of the group, the cook, has a short temper so one wrong word and she might snap, will protect the group at any costs. Hot badass not afraid to spill blood. Weapon choice: Hand gun, Knife, hunting bow, throwing axes and ceiling fans. Extras: Teacher younger Members how to defend themselves, handles the guns and Ammo.Show All 16 Upvotes
Shona • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Shona • submitted 4 new posts 3 years ago
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Shona • started following 5 people 3 years ago
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Shona • submitted 20 new posts 3 years ago
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Hey Pandas, As A Student, What's The Most Disturbing Conversation You Overheard Between Teachers? (Closed)
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Hey Pandas Have You Ever Been "Blocked From Commenting On Boredpanda Posts." And Do You Know How To Fix It?
Shona • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Shona • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Shona • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Read The Description Idk What The Title Should Be
Sam Maxwell- Sandy blond hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular. Usually wears camo pants with lots of pockets and a plain black t-shirt. Always has ammo on hand and is protective of everyone in the group, especially the youngest ones. Lucas Miller- Curly brown hair, prankster attitude, comic relief. Is always ready with a comment that'll make them laugh but can be serious when it's important.Read The Description Idk What The Title Should Be
Here is an example character i have already done for you guys to follow: Character 1 Likes: Music, drawing, Ballet, cooking for the group, Talking, writing, Journalism. Appearance: medium length Black wavy hair, Pale skin, tattoo on her ankle, ocean blue eyes, PERFECT body 5”8. Wears: Skinny Jeans, crop top and Crop Jacket (occasionally steals Will’s Hoodie) Floral Doc Martins, Choker. Always has with her: A Back-pack with, I-pod, Mp3 player (& chargers), pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, headphones, water bottles, ammunition. Always has her hunting bow over her shoulder. Personality: Bi-sexual, talks too much, loves drawing, affectionate and kind hearted, loves spending time with her boyfriend and her best friend, she is the “Big Sister” of the group, the cook, has a short temper so one wrong word and she might snap, will protect the group at any costs. Hot badass not afraid to spill blood. Weapon choice: Hand gun, Knife, hunting bow, throwing axes and ceiling fans. Extras: Teacher younger Members how to defend themselves, handles the guns and Ammo. Shona • is following 32 people
Shona • 71 followers