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Emperor Maximus
Community Member
5 posts
538 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Emperor Maximus • commented on 7 posts 1 year ago
Show All 7 Comments
Emperor Maximus • upvoted 33 items 1 year ago
kakapoopoopeepeeshir reply
“I’ll see you around!” “Not if I see you first!” Took me a while to realize this meant if that person sees you first they will avoid you and you will end up not seeing themOl_Pasta reply
One day I sat on a tram, passing a river. There was a duck in a tree. I realised I've never seen ducks in trees. No one else seemed to notice, but I was puzzled. Now whenever I come across something that seems intuitive but I have never considered I call it a duck in a tree.GiftInteresting8482 reply
Women's self-care/cosmetic products. It's the same exact stuff as men's just with a different smell, but it costs SO much more. Don't believe me, read the ingredients.No-Chocolate-2907 reply
Diamonds. Contrary to popular belief, they’re not a rare gemstone and their perceived value is almost entirely artificial.grptrt reply
US healthcareYes! Even with insurance, I have a bill for my child’s birth at around $30,000. My OB didn’t even pick up the phone when I went into labor. Nor did her backup. I had to get an emergency C-section, so I was charged accordingly.
BGoodOswaldo reply
GroceriesIt is so stupidly expensive to buy groceries right now. Even if I just need a small list, specifically for the dinner I’m making that evening, it’s always $50–$75. I feel like in the past two years, groceries have skyrocketed.
Ok-Mushroom-7292 reply
FuneralsMortician here. Go to a privately owned family mortuary. They actually give a shit most of the time about what families want and are generally more flexible than corporate mortuaries. Private mortuaries rely on returning families so they have to do a good job to survive.
NEVER go to an SCI location. I worked for that company for two years too long, and it's astounding how little they cared about people. They had NO issue nickel and diming everyone while doing the bare minimum if that. They regularly buried people without their belongings and never told the families. They had numerous occasions where the body was not ready for a funeral, bodies were used as doorstops, people were put in the wrong urns, etc. They do not care about you and are no better than car salespeople. Family-run mortuaries do what they do because they care.
TIL By the 1700s, aristocrats started eating tomatoes, but they were convinced the fruits were poisonous because people would die after eating them. In reality, the acidity from the tomatoes brought out the lead in their pewter plates, and they actually died of lead poisoningShow All 33 Upvotes
Emperor Maximus • submitted 5 new posts 1 year ago
Emperor Maximus • submitted 8 list additions 1 year ago
Emperor Maximus • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Emperor Maximus • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
kakapoopoopeepeeshir reply
“I’ll see you around!” “Not if I see you first!” Took me a while to realize this meant if that person sees you first they will avoid you and you will end up not seeing themOl_Pasta reply
One day I sat on a tram, passing a river. There was a duck in a tree. I realised I've never seen ducks in trees. No one else seemed to notice, but I was puzzled. Now whenever I come across something that seems intuitive but I have never considered I call it a duck in a tree. Emperor Maximus • is following 4 people
Emperor Maximus • 4 followers