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Matthew P
Community Member
1 posts
107 points
A sane, stable, kind, and intelligent American. Yes, European Pandas, we really do exist.
Matthew P • commented on 32 posts 7 months ago
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Matthew P • upvoted 7 items 7 months ago
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Matthew P • submitted a new post 7 months ago
Matthew P • submitted a new post 7 months ago
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Matthew P • commented on 20 posts 7 months ago
Matthew P • upvoted 20 items 7 months ago
Logical_Sweet_6624 reply
When I was in kindergarten, my mom would ask me everyday if I played with someone, sometimes I did sometimes I didn’t, so once I said “sometimes I just like to play with myself” looking back, it’s Hilarious.Silvervirage reply
Watching I think Prince of Egypt? In school in like 5th grade, and as the woman was setting Moses in the basket she put her middle finger on his head. I knew that holding up your middle finger was rude, but I didn't have a name for the gesture. So I said 'why is she fingering the baby?' only loud enough for my friend to hear. But the kids in front of me heard and one spun around and called me disgusting. I didn't get it then but like a year or more later that popped into my head and I wanted nothing more than to curl up and die. Still do kinda.Prestigious_Pool_575 reply
I liked mixing words up, like saying I'm going to "shake a tower" instead of take a shower. One of these words I played with was popcorn. I called it cocporn. And worst part is that nobody stopped me.Munich11 reply
I was sitting in my front yard singing nonsense out loud while playing with my toy cars. “DIL DO DIL DO DIL DO DIL A DIL A DILLY DO 🎵” My Mom came to the window and quietly said “Hey sweetie, try to sing something else okay?”.Ok_Ad_9188 reply
My favorite cartoon growing up was The Angry Beavers. They had an episode where they record a smash hit called "Beaver Fever." I can vividly remember being maybe 5 years old and singing, "HE'S GOT THE BEAVER FEVER, BEAVER FEVER" at the top of my lungs in public and my mom struggling to shush me and me not knowing why.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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