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Matt C
Community Member
2 posts
-50 points
'Not until we can all be mocked can there be true "Equality". - Some F-ing Genius
Matt C • submitted 12 list additions 1 year ago
Matt C • upvoted 28 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Does Anyone Want To Have A Serious Conversation About Something That's Bothering You?
Im tired of all these Gay-Trans-Idioitic teenagers calling themselves "gay, bi, trans and non-binary" Whatever-F**k all at the same f*****g time. Youre just regurgitating b******t you hear in school and you sound like f*****g morons! Also, youre still in school. You dont have a world view yet outside of what your teachers are lying to you about. No one is assigned a gender at birth. You are born a Male, a Female or Geneticly Anomalous. Thats Biology. Thats Science. Thats been Fact for hunnits of years! It is not a social construct. Any arguements to the contrary is either semantics or straw-manning. Both of which while not the same thing are invalid methods of debate. If you have to do either one it means you actually have nothing to say. Accept that you have nothing, and move on. I know I have it coming. I know alot of you cant stand that Im right. I know Ill get downvoted and reported for 'Hate speech' and God knows what else. Just remember this... Im not scared of you. Im not scared of them. Im not scared of getting banned again. Truth walks without fear.Hey Pandas, Does Anyone Want To Have A Serious Conversation About Something That's Bothering You?
Yeah, and it's about this site specifically. It's gone to c**p pretty fast. Now all you see are posts about how bad america is, listicles about how much you hate other peoples choices that don't affect you in the slightest, or AITA posts (not even the good ones either). On top of this, trolls and spambots run rampant. I also really hate the AI "art" posts. It's like BP doesn't even listen to the people keeping this site afloat.Hey Pandas, How Did You Come Out To Others?
My dad threw a fit when I told him I was straight. My mom was okay with it though I think. She didnt say much. Ask Pandas
Hey, Pandas, What Happened That Proved To You That God Is Real? (Sincere Answers Only, Please)
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Matt C • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Matt C • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet
Matt C • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Does Anyone Want To Have A Serious Conversation About Something That's Bothering You?
Im tired of all these Gay-Trans-Idioitic teenagers calling themselves "gay, bi, trans and non-binary" Whatever-F**k all at the same f*****g time. Youre just regurgitating b******t you hear in school and you sound like f*****g morons! Also, youre still in school. You dont have a world view yet outside of what your teachers are lying to you about. No one is assigned a gender at birth. You are born a Male, a Female or Geneticly Anomalous. Thats Biology. Thats Science. Thats been Fact for hunnits of years! It is not a social construct. Any arguements to the contrary is either semantics or straw-manning. Both of which while not the same thing are invalid methods of debate. If you have to do either one it means you actually have nothing to say. Accept that you have nothing, and move on. I know I have it coming. I know alot of you cant stand that Im right. I know Ill get downvoted and reported for 'Hate speech' and God knows what else. Just remember this... Im not scared of you. Im not scared of them. Im not scared of getting banned again. Truth walks without fear.Hey Pandas, Does Anyone Want To Have A Serious Conversation About Something That's Bothering You?
Yeah, and it's about this site specifically. It's gone to c**p pretty fast. Now all you see are posts about how bad america is, listicles about how much you hate other peoples choices that don't affect you in the slightest, or AITA posts (not even the good ones either). On top of this, trolls and spambots run rampant. I also really hate the AI "art" posts. It's like BP doesn't even listen to the people keeping this site afloat. Matt C • is following 14 people
Matt C • 28 followers