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Marydhale Colico
Community Member
2 posts
47 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Marydhale Colico • upvoted 39 items 2 years ago
These Two Boys Had Been Exposed To The Same Smallpox Source. One Had Been Vaccinated, The Other Hadn’t
SuvenPan reply
Greater one-horned rhino or Great Indian rhinoceros population stands at around 3,700 individuals, a significant increase from around 200 remaining at the turn of the 20th century. Strict protection and management action from Indian and Nepalese authorities and their partners are responsible for bringing the species back from the brink.MarcoYTVA reply
The amount of machines in development to clean up plastic pollution is just crazy. Want a large boat patrolling the oceans? What about a small drone for busy waters? A gate stopping plastic in rivers from entering the oceans in the first place? You name it, someone is working on it.SadlyCantGoToEdc reply
I bought a f**k ton of milkweed and wildflowers and got rid of 20% of my grass lawn to make a meadow. Bees are thriving in my lawn. I also successfully seed bombed quite a few places in my area from last year's fall that are BLOOMING this year.my_username_30 reply
Scientists have discovered a worm that can digest plastic, and they are currently trying to copy it's digestive system. This can help solve a huge problem.No-Championship21 reply
More people are seeking to "break the cycle" of all the c**p they had to deal with as children, and I couldn't be prouder.Show All 39 Upvotes
Marydhale Colico • commented on a post 2 years ago
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Marydhale Colico • submitted a new post 3 years ago
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Marydhale Colico • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Marydhale Colico • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Marydhale Colico • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
These Two Boys Had Been Exposed To The Same Smallpox Source. One Had Been Vaccinated, The Other Hadn’t
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Marydhale Colico • 1 follower