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Mária Dusová
Community Member
1 posts
685 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Mária Dusová • upvoted 13 items 1 year ago
theVoid1065 reply
Stella Liebeck, the woman who won a lawsuit against McDonald's over hot coffee, had every right to sue them. It's been mocked so many times over the past 20 years with people ridiculing this woman and making it out like she's some idiot who was surprised that coffee was actually hot and she was just attempting a money grab or something. In reality, the temperature of the coffee was f*****g ridiculous and there was no reason for it to be hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns on her legs when she spilled it. She had to have multiple skin graft surgeries and spent 8 days in the hospital where she lost 20 pounds. After that, she needed additional care at home and was partially disabled for the next two years. She had no choice but to sue to cover the cost of her surgeries. This happened a long time ago, but to this day, I still overhear people mocking this case or making references to it in jest.A "Victorious" Prime Minister Declares "Peace For Our Time" After Hitler Agrees Not To Invade Any More Territories In Europe, 1938
If You Die In The UK And Are On The Organ Donor Register, The Nhs Will Send A Letter To Your Family Explaining What Happened To Your Organs
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Mária Dusová • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
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Mária Dusová • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
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Mária Dusová • upvoted 15 items 2 years ago
At A Friends' Wedding Reception, It Was Very Windy, And The Groom Got Blown Off The Cake. It Looked Like He Had Jumped Off And Ran Away, Meanwhile The Bride Was Waving Bye
We´re Home With Covid So I Told Kids To Create Some Decorations With LEGO Bricks, And Now We Are Finding Small Scenes Like This All Around The House
Every Halloween For 50 Years, My Dad Carved A Story Into A Pumpkin. This Year It's The Man-Against-Machine Tale Of John Henry
igrowpeople reply
We had this akward conversation with a family in Venezuela who we had invited over for dinner. They just wouldn't leave! My dad was doing the polite Canadian thing and mentioning that "we were tired", that "usually we would be in bed by now", that "it's been a long night and they probably want to get home", walking them toward the front door. And then we were stuck just standing there staring at each other. My dad finally just blurts out "Why won't you leave?! We're tired and want to go to bed!" And in frusteration they reply "Why won't you just let us go?!" Turns out that in Venezuelan culture it's rude to leave on your own as an invited guest. The polite thing to do is to wait for your host to open the door and guide you out, but in Canadian culture it's rude to ask your invited company to leave and you wait for them to open the door and go on their own.Show All 15 Upvotes
Mária Dusová • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Mária Dusová • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Mária Dusová • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Mária Dusová • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Mária Dusová • commented on 4 posts 1 year ago
Mária Dusová • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Mária Dusová • upvoted 17 items 1 year ago
At A Friends' Wedding Reception, It Was Very Windy, And The Groom Got Blown Off The Cake. It Looked Like He Had Jumped Off And Ran Away, Meanwhile The Bride Was Waving Bye
This Is A Prom Dress My Aunt From Nigeria Made For Me Back In 2019. We Designed It Based On Two Different Dresses. The Pattern Of The Fabric Is My Favorite Part
Engagement Photo Dress I Designed And Constructed. This Is My First Post, Hopefully You Guys Like It
If You Die In The UK And Are On The Organ Donor Register, The Nhs Will Send A Letter To Your Family Explaining What Happened To Your Organs
theVoid1065 reply
Stella Liebeck, the woman who won a lawsuit against McDonald's over hot coffee, had every right to sue them. It's been mocked so many times over the past 20 years with people ridiculing this woman and making it out like she's some idiot who was surprised that coffee was actually hot and she was just attempting a money grab or something. In reality, the temperature of the coffee was f*****g ridiculous and there was no reason for it to be hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns on her legs when she spilled it. She had to have multiple skin graft surgeries and spent 8 days in the hospital where she lost 20 pounds. After that, she needed additional care at home and was partially disabled for the next two years. She had no choice but to sue to cover the cost of her surgeries. This happened a long time ago, but to this day, I still overhear people mocking this case or making references to it in jest. Mária Dusová • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
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