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Community Member
2 posts
47 points
I’m just a lazy panda who likes scrolling and occasionally writing something!
Marian • upvoted 40 items 2 years ago
ThePhiff reply
Can't believe I haven't seen this yet: getting involved in a land war in Asia or going up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.Relative-ignorance reply
Abstract modern art. You know, the orange square on a blank canvas type thing. “It really speaks to me.” 🤨DJDoubleDave reply
Nothing. People legitimately have different tastes. Just let people enjoy their IPAs/gin/pickles/spicy food/whatever. If that's not your thing, have something else.Chaacho08 reply
American talent shows like quite literally “America’s got talent”, and “American Idol”. Who the f**k are these shows catered to? The dialogue is cheesy, idiotic, and fake as f**k and the structure doesn’t make sense. Back then it had categories and the contestants would compete against their own groups which at least made it somewhat interesting. Now? Anything f*****g goes, and you could have a wanna-be jabawacky dance group of about 20 people Vs little Timmy playing a harmonica with his a*****e. It makes no god damn sense.Coincidentally Accurate And Funny Similarities Found Between Art And Sports Moments By This Instagram Account (30 New Pics)
Reddit post
Just open your f*****g can of soda/bag of chips. It will make noise no matter what; make it quick.Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Show All 40 Upvotes
Marian • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Marian • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Marian • commented on 12 posts 2 years ago
Marian • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
Marian • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Coincidentally Accurate And Funny Similarities Found Between Art And Sports Moments By This Instagram Account (30 New Pics)
Relative-ignorance reply
Abstract modern art. You know, the orange square on a blank canvas type thing. “It really speaks to me.” 🤨Chaacho08 reply
American talent shows like quite literally “America’s got talent”, and “American Idol”. Who the f**k are these shows catered to? The dialogue is cheesy, idiotic, and fake as f**k and the structure doesn’t make sense. Back then it had categories and the contestants would compete against their own groups which at least made it somewhat interesting. Now? Anything f*****g goes, and you could have a wanna-be jabawacky dance group of about 20 people Vs little Timmy playing a harmonica with his a*****e. It makes no god damn sense.DJDoubleDave reply
Nothing. People legitimately have different tastes. Just let people enjoy their IPAs/gin/pickles/spicy food/whatever. If that's not your thing, have something else.ThePhiff reply
Can't believe I haven't seen this yet: getting involved in a land war in Asia or going up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Marian • 48 followers