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2 posts
742 points
I play the piano and the french horn. I love all animals, the beach, and trees.
And tacocats.
Tacocat • commented on 21 posts 3 years ago
Show All 21 Comments
Tacocat • upvoted 17 items 3 years ago
He came-up to me and said: "I was wondering if you could help me. I, um, seem to have lost my Congressional Medal of Honor around here somewhere."Hey Pandas, If 2020-2021 Was Featured In A Museum, What Would Be In It?
pictures of australia and california burning. portraits of bats. videos of blm protests. videos of jan 6. and giant blm murals.Hey Pandas, If 2020-2021 Was Featured In A Museum, What Would Be In It?
I am sure the 2020-2021 years would look similar to Edvard Munch's painting "THE SCREAM". The only difference: Donald Trump would be the screamer and the background would be a montage of various people, blurred upon the American flag. A few bats would be flying around Mr. Trump.Show All 17 Upvotes
Tacocat • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Tacocat • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Tacocat • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
Tacocat • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago
Tacocat • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Tacocat • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
He came-up to me and said: "I was wondering if you could help me. I, um, seem to have lost my Congressional Medal of Honor around here somewhere."Hey Pandas, If 2020-2021 Was Featured In A Museum, What Would Be In It?
pictures of australia and california burning. portraits of bats. videos of blm protests. videos of jan 6. and giant blm murals.Hey Pandas, If 2020-2021 Was Featured In A Museum, What Would Be In It?
I am sure the 2020-2021 years would look similar to Edvard Munch's painting "THE SCREAM". The only difference: Donald Trump would be the screamer and the background would be a montage of various people, blurred upon the American flag. A few bats would be flying around Mr. Trump.Hey Pandas, What Is One Thing You Hate About Summer?
I live in a "Vacation town" on the coast of Florida, and the tourists are so dang stupid. and Floridians get a bad rap for it.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Tacocat • 70 followers