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Firestorm Glow
Community Member
1 posts
1.5K points
wassup my people!
*James Bond Voice* The name's Glow. Firestorm Glow
aaaaand I LOVE Bored Panda, I have been on here for like, a year? but I never made an account, so here I am! I love to read and stuff.
My pronouns are She/Her FYI
Firestorm Glow is actually my online name for all my online accounts, so you might have seen me on a website before.
yeahhhh ok I don't know what other people say on there profile description things, so byeeee!
Firestorm Glow • commented on 15 posts 1 year ago
Show All 15 Comments
Firestorm Glow • upvoted 25 items 1 year ago
aSentientShadeOfBlue reply
Social Media. Imagine being a 6th grader and having people think you’re weird if you don’t have an Instagram. That s**t is poison. Wrecked our interpersonal skills. Ruined relationships. Perpetuated bullying into cyberspace when it used to end at the school day. Cemented embarrassment if you get recorded. The list goes on.Show All 25 Upvotes
Firestorm Glow • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Firestorm Glow • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Firestorm Glow • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Firestorm Glow • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
aSentientShadeOfBlue reply
Social Media. Imagine being a 6th grader and having people think you’re weird if you don’t have an Instagram. That s**t is poison. Wrecked our interpersonal skills. Ruined relationships. Perpetuated bullying into cyberspace when it used to end at the school day. Cemented embarrassment if you get recorded. The list goes on. Firestorm Glow • is following a person
Firestorm Glow • 3 followers