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Hi there! I’m Cringe and I like animals, food, art, and hanging out with my friend’s pets.
CringeCat9 • commented on 4 posts 2 years ago
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CringeCat9 • upvoted 33 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Was Your Scariest Travel Experience?
This is probably not as exciting as others, but my experiences with travelling have always been smooth sailing so this particular experience got me good. L o n g story simplified, I found myself walking through a dense Russian forest with a bunch of local kids when I was around seven. My Russian was supbar at best (I grew up in Canada and only spoke Russian with my family) so I don't know why I was dragged into the expedition in the first place. I vividly remember my grandfather telling me it was the day before the longest day of the year, and since we left later in the afternoon I felt uneasy about how long we've been walking and how long it would take to get back. At one point a boy was ready to call quits, only to get laughed at by the others. He and I looked at eachother, having that mental agreement that we were on the same page, and turned around to head back together. Turns out, not only was that part of the forest untouched by the locals but was actually prohibited to enter because of war stuff that happened in the area. A search party went out when the boy undoubtedly told his parents where the rest of the kids went, and when my grandfather asked me if I knew anything I played dumb and told him I hung out in the garden with my great-grandmother all day. To my knowledge, all the kids were found and brought back *the next fricking morning*. Only God knows what went down throughout the night and I'm glad every day I decided to turn back when I did.Hey Pandas, What Was Your Scariest Travel Experience?
I walked outside and realized I lived in Oklahoma. Went right back into the house. Terrifying.Thousands Of Beautifully Hand Painted Warhammer Pieces
I had a mate who worked in one of the bigger lifeline stores in Australia. A woman came into the store with five large clear plastic storage boxes and asked to donate them. He looked inside of the boxes and it was thousands of beautifully hand painted warhammer pieces. He was shocked and asked her why. They were her son's and she couldn't keep them in the house anymore since his death. My friend said he couldn't accept the donation, he said the whole collection was worth alot of money. She had no idea. He asked her for all her details and asked if he could try to sell it for her. She agreed. After his shift he went home and took photos of everything and posted it online in an Australian warhammer forum. Within a couple of weeks everything was sold. He called her and she met him at the store. He told her he had sold it to collectors all around Australia who loved her son's work. He handed her roughly twelve thousand dollars. She cried, he cried, she offered him half, he said no. She told him she would donate his half to a suicide charity in her sons name and his name. He said it was the best thing he had ever done in his life.Show All 33 Upvotes
CringeCat9 • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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CringeCat9 • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
CringeCat9 • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
CringeCat9 • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago
CringeCat9 • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Thousands Of Beautifully Hand Painted Warhammer Pieces
I had a mate who worked in one of the bigger lifeline stores in Australia. A woman came into the store with five large clear plastic storage boxes and asked to donate them. He looked inside of the boxes and it was thousands of beautifully hand painted warhammer pieces. He was shocked and asked her why. They were her son's and she couldn't keep them in the house anymore since his death. My friend said he couldn't accept the donation, he said the whole collection was worth alot of money. She had no idea. He asked her for all her details and asked if he could try to sell it for her. She agreed. After his shift he went home and took photos of everything and posted it online in an Australian warhammer forum. Within a couple of weeks everything was sold. He called her and she met him at the store. He told her he had sold it to collectors all around Australia who loved her son's work. He handed her roughly twelve thousand dollars. She cried, he cried, she offered him half, he said no. She told him she would donate his half to a suicide charity in her sons name and his name. He said it was the best thing he had ever done in his life.Hey Pandas, What Was Your Scariest Travel Experience?
This is probably not as exciting as others, but my experiences with travelling have always been smooth sailing so this particular experience got me good. L o n g story simplified, I found myself walking through a dense Russian forest with a bunch of local kids when I was around seven. My Russian was supbar at best (I grew up in Canada and only spoke Russian with my family) so I don't know why I was dragged into the expedition in the first place. I vividly remember my grandfather telling me it was the day before the longest day of the year, and since we left later in the afternoon I felt uneasy about how long we've been walking and how long it would take to get back. At one point a boy was ready to call quits, only to get laughed at by the others. He and I looked at eachother, having that mental agreement that we were on the same page, and turned around to head back together. Turns out, not only was that part of the forest untouched by the locals but was actually prohibited to enter because of war stuff that happened in the area. A search party went out when the boy undoubtedly told his parents where the rest of the kids went, and when my grandfather asked me if I knew anything I played dumb and told him I hung out in the garden with my great-grandmother all day. To my knowledge, all the kids were found and brought back *the next fricking morning*. Only God knows what went down throughout the night and I'm glad every day I decided to turn back when I did.Hey Pandas, What Was Your Scariest Travel Experience?
I walked outside and realized I lived in Oklahoma. Went right back into the house. Terrifying. CringeCat9 • is following a person
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