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Margaret Granade
Community Member
2 posts
608 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Margaret Granade • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Margaret Granade • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
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Margaret Granade • upvoted 26 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Dumbest Thing You've Ever Heard Someone Say?
We were doing history and when we read an article from an old newspaper from colonial VA, someone said “I think that this is like... a YouTuber...” then the teacher cut her offPeople-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Keyboard warriors who are actually scaredy cats in real life.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Wearing name brand clothing just because it has the brand written all over the clothing, for everyone else to see.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Constantly telling people about the women they've slept with or were otherwise involved with. I knew a guy like this in college, he was one of the most obnoxious dudes I've known.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Undermining a person everytime they try to talk. My ex did this to me and the amount of confidence I've lost is terrible. Still recovering after 3 years. Teasing someone when they gather guts to talk in a group and then laughing is useless. Cannot explain how badly it hurtsPeople-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Declaring themselves to a an 'Alpha-male', 'High Value Women' or anything like that it. It screams immaturity and lack of self awareness.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Doing something nice for someone and video taping it for clout.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
That whole “I don’t give a f***” attitude online where people just hate everyone and be super edgy, it doesn’t make you look cool, just makes you look like a d***.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Driving around residential areas too fast in cars with really loud engines and those exhausts that go BANG BANG BANG all the time. They look like nothing other than inconsiderate a***holes.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Teachers who are proud of many of their students not passing, if I ever get a teacher like that maybe I should ask why they are proud for being a bad teacher.People-Think-Look-Cool-Actually-Douchebag
Judging another person for their interests even if the other person’s interests don’t affect or hurt anyone else. The other day I had an acquaintance tell me how a friend of mine who likes to collect Funko Pops must be such a virgin even though the guy is literally married with a kid on the way.Show All 26 Upvotes
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Margaret Granade • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Margaret Granade • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Margaret Granade • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Margaret Granade • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
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