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2 posts
87 points
I am weird, outgoing, stupid, and funny. That is about it.
No • commented on 13 posts 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Show All 13 Comments
No • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
No • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
My mental health and struggle with depression. I always felt like I wasn't 'qualified' to be depressed because my life was pretty good. But your life being fine DOES NOT invalidate your feelings. Some people really do have trouble mentally, myself included, without having to be in an abusive home or toxic relationship or stuff like that. Let's face it. A bad week can really f**k up your state of being. And that's normal. It doesn't mean it's ok. It just means that it will happen and you have to learn to overcome it. I just want people to realize that someone struggling with a such a mindset needs and deserves help no matter the reason they feel that way. People have died over the smallest of things, bad days when someone just told them to suck it up or wait for things to get better. *Things do in fact get better*. But sometimes they just need to vent or cry or scream in the moment so their feelings are not bottled up until they all explode and something actually happens. So yeah. I don't tell people when I'm actually not fine because all I get told is that "you shouldn't be depressed since your life is so nice." And not telling anyone anything is where it gets dangerous. Just smile at someone if they are down. Let them yell their head off because they aren't having a good day. Let them process their emotions and help when you can. I cannot tell you how many times someone asking me if I'm ok and then listening to me has saved my life. A smile goes a long way. Hang in there fellow pandas :)Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
My mental health and struggle with depression. I always felt like I wasn't 'qualified' to be depressed because my life was pretty good. But your life being fine DOES NOT invalidate your feelings. Some people really do have trouble mentally, myself included, without having to be in an abusive home or toxic relationship or stuff like that. Let's face it. A bad week can really f**k up your state of being. And that's normal. It doesn't mean it's ok. It just means that it will happen and you have to learn to overcome it. I just want people to realize that someone struggling with a such a mindset needs and deserves help no matter the reason they feel that way. People have died over the smallest of things, bad days when someone just told them to suck it up or wait for things to get better. *Things do in fact get better*. But sometimes they just need to vent or cry or scream in the moment so their feelings are not bottled up until they all explode and something actually happens. So yeah. I don't tell people when I'm actually not fine because all I get told is that "you shouldn't be depressed since your life is so nice." And not telling anyone anything is where it gets dangerous. Just smile at someone if they are down. Let them yell their head off because they aren't having a good day. Let them process their emotions and help when you can. I cannot tell you how many times someone asking me if I'm ok and then listening to me has saved my life. A smile goes a long way. Hang in there fellow pandas :)Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
I love my snakes. They are fantastic pets but so many people are so negative about these wonderful creatures... Then they wilk talk about their dogs and kids for hours.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
Billie Eilish. I like her music a lot, but I'm not your stereotypical Billie Eilish fan (I'm kind of a nerd) so I don't really talk about it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
Minecraft YouTube. There are so many great SMPs and people playing on them. I love the building tutorials of some, the lore on others, the challenges and friends making super cool things together. Sometimes crazy new developments happen and I have no one to discuss it with. Hermitcraft x Empires crossover anyone?Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
My mention Jesus and most people assume your judgmental and morally uptight.Hey Pandas, Can You Guess A Song From The Lyrics Only?
I heard he got you a penthouse On the west side When will he learn That your afraid of heightsHey Pandas, Can You Guess A Song From The Lyrics Only?
"When did I become so numb? When did I lose myself? All the words that leave my tongue Feel like they came from someone else"Show All 21 Upvotes
No • submitted a new post 2 years ago
No • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
No • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
My mental health and struggle with depression. I always felt like I wasn't 'qualified' to be depressed because my life was pretty good. But your life being fine DOES NOT invalidate your feelings. Some people really do have trouble mentally, myself included, without having to be in an abusive home or toxic relationship or stuff like that. Let's face it. A bad week can really f**k up your state of being. And that's normal. It doesn't mean it's ok. It just means that it will happen and you have to learn to overcome it. I just want people to realize that someone struggling with a such a mindset needs and deserves help no matter the reason they feel that way. People have died over the smallest of things, bad days when someone just told them to suck it up or wait for things to get better. *Things do in fact get better*. But sometimes they just need to vent or cry or scream in the moment so their feelings are not bottled up until they all explode and something actually happens. So yeah. I don't tell people when I'm actually not fine because all I get told is that "you shouldn't be depressed since your life is so nice." And not telling anyone anything is where it gets dangerous. Just smile at someone if they are down. Let them yell their head off because they aren't having a good day. Let them process their emotions and help when you can. I cannot tell you how many times someone asking me if I'm ok and then listening to me has saved my life. A smile goes a long way. Hang in there fellow pandas :)Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
Minecraft YouTube. There are so many great SMPs and people playing on them. I love the building tutorials of some, the lore on others, the challenges and friends making super cool things together. Sometimes crazy new developments happen and I have no one to discuss it with. Hermitcraft x Empires crossover anyone?Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
I love my snakes. They are fantastic pets but so many people are so negative about these wonderful creatures... Then they wilk talk about their dogs and kids for hours.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
Billie Eilish. I like her music a lot, but I'm not your stereotypical Billie Eilish fan (I'm kind of a nerd) so I don't really talk about it.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Really Enjoy, But Don't Talk About Because Of The Stigma?
My mention Jesus and most people assume your judgmental and morally uptight.Hey Pandas, Can You Guess A Song From The Lyrics Only?
I heard he got you a penthouse On the west side When will he learn That your afraid of heightsHey Pandas, Can You Guess A Song From The Lyrics Only?
"When did I become so numb? When did I lose myself? All the words that leave my tongue Feel like they came from someone else"This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet