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Probably a human
Community Member
1 posts
262 points
I am a human. You are a human. Woah
Probably a human • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
Social Issues
This User Asks Not To Put Too Many Emojis When Texting To A Visually Impaired Person, Explains Why
Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Taking turns talking. Like in cop shows when one cop begins an explanation, then the next one picks up the story at a seamlessly convenient spot, then the third adds, “but...” and throws in some more. No one in real life has ever talked like that.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Having highly confidential conversations about 4 foot away from the people they are talking about, and not being overheard.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
People recording themselves doing “charitable acts” like buying a meal or giving money to a homeless person. I can assure you that person does NOT want their face all over social media so you can get clout for being a “good charitable person”. Sure do a good thing like helping the less fortunate but you don’t need to record it and have their face all over social media.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Family vloggers horrify me. The concept of exploiting your children's lives for views is particularly awful. And because it's a relatively new concept there are no real laws around child labor or exploitation concerning it. There are youtubers out there right now who live in mansions worth millions of dollars that they got from shoving a camera in their toddler's face and demanding them to perform for strangers. I can't even imagine the psychological repercussions this will have on these kids in the future.Show All 15 Upvotes
Probably a human • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
Show All 6 Comments
Probably a human • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Probably a human • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Probably a human • upvoted 9 items 4 years ago
Show All 9 Upvotes
Probably a human • commented on 8 posts 4 years ago
Show All 8 Comments
Probably a human • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Probably a human • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Probably a human • commented on 6 posts 3 years ago
Probably a human • commented on 14 posts 4 years ago
These 54 Eerie Photos By Aakaash Bali Bring Nostalgic Comfort To Some Or A Sense Of Unease To Others
Probably a human • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
Social Issues
This User Asks Not To Put Too Many Emojis When Texting To A Visually Impaired Person, Explains Why
Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Taking turns talking. Like in cop shows when one cop begins an explanation, then the next one picks up the story at a seamlessly convenient spot, then the third adds, “but...” and throws in some more. No one in real life has ever talked like that.Happens-Movies-TV-Normal-Real-Life (Closed)
Having highly confidential conversations about 4 foot away from the people they are talking about, and not being overheard.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
People recording themselves doing “charitable acts” like buying a meal or giving money to a homeless person. I can assure you that person does NOT want their face all over social media so you can get clout for being a “good charitable person”. Sure do a good thing like helping the less fortunate but you don’t need to record it and have their face all over social media.Annoying-Modern-Social-Trends
Family vloggers horrify me. The concept of exploiting your children's lives for views is particularly awful. And because it's a relatively new concept there are no real laws around child labor or exploitation concerning it. There are youtubers out there right now who live in mansions worth millions of dollars that they got from shoving a camera in their toddler's face and demanding them to perform for strangers. I can't even imagine the psychological repercussions this will have on these kids in the future.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Probably a human • 60 followers